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  1. EC8023

    Wondering if I should chop or wait a little longer ?

    I think it's either Pineapple Express or bomb seeds berry bomb auto I didn't keep a date so not sure of age exactly it's grown in a 1x1x1.8 tent with a 400 and 600 w hps I've been giving water only now for more than a week , I gave it a flush then have been just giving a few litres of water...
  2. EC8023

    think different from herbies

    I also received 2 think different seeds that didn't germ that I bought from pic n mix also an auto mazar which was bad news as none of the seeds were cheap ! I haven't had any trouble with any of my seeds which I bought from bonza seeds so I'll be only buying from bonza from now on as they will...
  3. EC8023

    WTF is wrong with this plant

    Well I added an extra light in the tent and it's been hot in there but temps top of the pot have kept around 80 as I've kept the a/c running the whole time outside of the tent so room temp been kept nice an cool . Pot size is 11-12 litre but I'd run out of soil so it's not full up to the top so...
  4. EC8023

    WTF is wrong with this plant

    I'm sorry for the late reply I've been busy with the plants all day and when I checked the problem plant I was shocked it was really dry again so I grabbed it by the main stem an lifted it out the pot as I suddenly thought bout possible root bound and it was most defiantly root bound ...
  5. EC8023

    WTF is wrong with this plant

    Sorry im feeding bio bizz grow 2m / 1litre Bloom 3m/1litre Not sure how often as I water each plant as an when it's pot is light and dry . Last watering I gave quite a lot as I had let it dry out quite a lot a and I thought it was wilting from lack of water but it's not perked up an now you say...
  6. EC8023

    WTF is wrong with this plant

  7. EC8023

    Bugs found in run off water help

    There's not many stuck on the traps and I have windows an doors open through the day so I'm hoping they just flew in towards the light and that they haven't infested my pots just yet but still would like to make sure and kill off anything that may be hidden in the soil, il give that cinnamon a...
  8. EC8023

    Bugs found in run off water help

    I've just put some normal sticky fly trap things around and caught some black coloured flys on it , can't see any bugs from looking over them . Can't find any of them products that were first suggested would gNat off do the same thing to drench the soil ?
  9. EC8023

    Bugs found in run off water help

    I've taken note of the azosol neem and going online to hunt it down thanks
  10. EC8023

    Bugs found in run off water help

    I'm sorry I've not been able to get on line for while as my phone line got cut , I really appreciate your help , I'm in uk an can't find lots of products
  11. EC8023

    Bugs found in run off water help

    So needs to be treated then ? What stuff should I try ? And also been seeming tiny things flying they almost look like flecks of ash in tent to tiny to catch or snap would they be white fly or some thing else ?
  12. EC8023

    Bugs found in run off water help

  13. EC8023

    Bugs found in run off water help

    Anyone able to help me then , third picture I see winged white thing but could anyone help me with the bug I'm dealing with and best way to get rid quick please
  14. EC8023

    Bugs found in run off water help

    Found some bug in my water , also think I've noticed tiny tiny things flying in tent but they are so small can hardly notice them , I've checked the plants can't see any bugs .
  15. EC8023

    High humidity 71 temp 66 of

    What is the best idea to dry these with less risk to mold as they been hanging for couple of days now with the about temp an hum and I'm think of pulling them all off the sticks an putting them into brown envelopes for the rest of the drying till I jar them what do you think ? Would that be a...
  16. EC8023

    yellow bud sights

    Hermie maybe?
  17. EC8023

    Strange smell just before harvest :/ mold or bud rot

    Yes I'm happy with the way they all look , and checked them with my scope and there all ready to chop now so I think alls ok , yesterday I checked the top buds right through and there isn't any thing wrong at all just really crystaley which I worried was maybe mold but defo not so I'm chopping...
  18. EC8023

    Strange smell just before harvest :/ mold or bud rot

    I pull them out to water an leave them to drain for ages after out of the tent , the few buds I did cut smell ok just concerned how dry they were . I have a feeling it's stink coming from the roots or soil . At least it's not the buds that have turned to mush
  19. EC8023

    Strange smell just before harvest :/ mold or bud rot

    I've just cut few tops off and put them in brown envelope but they are feeling so dry already . I don't smoke it myself but might try it to see if it's ok ,