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  1. BigEasy1

    Gettin ready To use Fox Farm Nutrients..ready or not?

    I'd start of at 25% or maybe even 20% and slowly work up from there. I've been using Fox Farms with hydro for a little while but just did my first soil run. I'm about to harvest the soil plant and the one time I went above 25%, it burned my plant. I'm using Plagron soil if that matters. My plant...
  2. BigEasy1

    Roots from first hydroponic harvest

    Looks about like mine and my shit turns out good.
  3. BigEasy1

    Owning a bong is now a felony in...

    God damn, is it possible to get more retarded?
  4. BigEasy1

    Car Salesmen

    Don't do it! That has to be right up there with operating a glory hole as far as shit jobs go. I did it for 2 months in Tucson, AZ back in 2001 and it was the worst experience. I've never met a more slimy bunch of people in my life as I did when I met the other salesmen. The only thing good I...
  5. BigEasy1

    Change from soil to hydro, good idea or not?

    I usually grow hydro but I germinated one seed to many this go around and decided to stick it in some soil stuff I had. It looks nice and green and healthy but the hydro plants are probably at least 3 times bigger than the soil plant. They're only a couple weeks old so I don't know what will...
  6. BigEasy1

    best way to start seeds???

    I don't use the top feed. I got the pump and stuff but never hooked it up. I've put my my water level up high on the net pot and a few inches below the net pot after the plants developed a root mass. I never really noticed a difference in plant growth. The only thing I did notice is the PH would...
  7. BigEasy1

    California Supreme Court Rules Cities Can Ban Pot Shops!

    Seems to be some growing pains.
  8. BigEasy1

    best way to start seeds???

    I put my water level up the net cup where I estimated the bottom of the rock wool to be. This along with the hydroton kept the rock wool moist. The first root will grow out fast towards the water or at least mine do.
  9. BigEasy1

    best way to start seeds???

    I use rock wool cubes to germinate mine. Ive done it two different ways. One way is in a small plastic greenhouse looking thing I got from Amazon for $30.00 that sits on a heating pad. The other way, and it worked just as good, was to put the seed in rock wool then go ahead and put it in the...
  10. BigEasy1

    Maastrict Netherlands Seed Shop

    I still don't get your paranoia. There is more to the Netherlands than weed. Quite a few people dont even realize Holland, the Netherlands and the Dutch are all the same ball of wax. I never noticed exactly what was on the boxes I've received from Dutch Passion. Besides, I only order online in...
  11. BigEasy1

    Maastrict Netherlands Seed Shop

    I usually ride up to Asterdam but since the "Weed Pass" thing is out the window I might try a weekend in Maastrict.
  12. BigEasy1

    Maastrict Netherlands Seed Shop

    I order most of my seeds from Dutch Passion and haven't had any problems with the "Dutch stamp".
  13. BigEasy1

    ppm too high out of tap

    Jeez, do you have to chew your water? Something doesn't sound right to me. My water is on the hard side so I use 5 gallon bottles and fill them up at my girlfriends house. I don't really like packing them in and out of the house though so I'm thinking either give my tap a shot or start mixing...
  14. BigEasy1

    Maastrict Netherlands Seed Shop

    I stopped by a grow store in Maastrict, Netherlands yesterday on my way down from Amsterdam. I was surprised at the selection the place had of about everything you need to grow or smoke with. I talked to the owner for a while and got a good vibe from him on his internet sales and shipping...
  15. BigEasy1

    Blackstar VS DiamondBrite6

    It's all subjective. I use a Blackstar 240 and grow 2 plants at a time normally with a 250 watt CFL as a supplement and I consistantly get good smoke. Good smoke to me might be crap to someone else though.
  16. BigEasy1

    How many people know about your grow

    My girlfriend only. Had to let her in on it a while back since I grow in my bedroom. We've broken up a few times over the years and she never told anybody so I feel alright with it.
  17. BigEasy1

    Bank took counterfeit money - now what?

    The CIA or Secret Service? If it was the CIA I'd probably be looking for a cave somewhere to live in! lol
  18. BigEasy1

    multiple plants, one container

    I grew 3 in a DWC Four Banger 5 gallon bucket and one choked out the other two. The roots also got all tangled up. The smoke turned out OK but one plant was much larger and yielded quite a bit more than the other two. Had I grown them separately the two small ones would have gotten as large as...
  19. BigEasy1

    Moving out need advice on moving grow

    Yea, I'd probably pass on asking for help. Get your girlfriend to move. Problem solved!