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  1. DoeEyed

    Some hella NEWBIE questions *pics*

    For watering, you don't want to trust that meter - they can be pretty inaccurate. When you water, do it slowly, and stop when water just starts coming out the bottom of the pot. After that - leave it alone until it dries out, when you can stick your finger about two inches into the soil and not...
  2. DoeEyed

    question on this cfl

    With two plants, if you're sticking with the 23w bulbs, then probably at least 12, maybe more. You'll have to get better ventilation in there. You can continue as you are, of course - but you won't yield enough to make this worth the risk.
  3. DoeEyed

    Laceygirls Grow

    Things are looking good! Your SLH are looking a hundred times better than mine, lol.
  4. DoeEyed

    Nirvana AK-48 Feminized 600W Grow

    Little rust colored spots can be from several things - nute burn, various deficiencies. You might want to go through the deficiency charts in the Problems section, see what you got going on. The spots though, once your plant recieves damage like that, never goes away. You have to watch the new...
  5. DoeEyed

    My Growitup GreenHouse. Under construction.

    Looking good, it's exciting seeing this come along from scratch! I can't wait to see it in operation!
  6. DoeEyed

    DoeEyed's Perpetual Grow Log

    Pretty much. The finished product smells more lemony than the plants did. I mean the odor is mild while they're growing, unless you disturb them - but not much of a coverup. Very true! lol:weed:
  7. DoeEyed

    Virgin goes all the way

    I think so, whatever it was it's all better now.
  8. DoeEyed

    DoeEyed's Perpetual Grow Log

    Yeah, I don't know exactly what the deal was. But I am looking forward to trying it - never had Lemon Skunk before! I'll have to compare it to the rest, when it finishes.
  9. DoeEyed

    Should I Nute Now or Not?

    If they haven't had any before, start with a lower dose, and work them up - less chance of nute burn that way. I always use my veg nute through the entire grow, keeps all my fan leaves from dying. I would go with all three.
  10. DoeEyed

    oversized fan leaves and lighting question....

    What are your temps/humidity at? Too high for either of those, would cause some slight droop. Then it also matters when you're seeing it. Towards the end of their day, before lights out, the plants will start to droop slightly, they get tired - and will perk again come "morning".
  11. DoeEyed

    question on this cfl

    That 100w equivelant means nothing, in regards to the plant. What matters is what the actual wattage is. Soft white is your flowering color (2700K), and bright white, or daylight, is your vegging color (6500K). You'll need a lot of those 23w to flower with.
  12. DoeEyed

    Pics unknown strain 23 days flower, loving it

    I'd say about half an ounce, dry. In all seriousness - it's next to impossible to give you an estimate. Since they gain the most weight the last couple weeks, and you aren't there yet - all the details change the outcome - lights, nutes, medium, strain, and so on.
  13. DoeEyed

    oversized fan leaves and lighting question....

    The leaves are collecting the light, not the buds, nor anything else. If you have big, fat leaves, that's great - the better to collect energy for the plant! They should not be drooping, though. I've had huge leaves before - bigger than my face. They were perky. If your leaves are drooping, it's...
  14. DoeEyed

    Multi Cloning from one plant?

    I don't know where you heard that, but to the best of my knoweledge, it isn't true. You can clone a clone as long as you desire. A clone is an exact genetic replica of the original plant, I don't know why someone would think it would "break down". Obviously, they can still suffer ill effects...
  15. DoeEyed

    Should I Nute Now or Not?

    If they are doing well, you don't have to. However, there is still enough time that it can make a difference if you do it.
  16. DoeEyed


    Not true. First off, your plants will start turning colors about halfway through flowering. That is way too soon to flush. Second - unless you seriously overnute your plants, or have salt buildup, there really isn't a need to flush. Some will disagree. I never flush before harvest. If you want...
  17. DoeEyed

    Multi Cloning from one plant?

    Another thing that some people do, is just take clones before you flower, and grow those out, instead of keeping a mother. You can keep taking clones indefinately.
  18. DoeEyed

    biggest buds for the buck

    Chronic, Northern Lights, Big Bud, Sensi Star - also known for larger crops.
  19. DoeEyed

    Crispy buds when drying!!

    Perfectly normal - that is the chlorophyl being released. You get the good smell as it cures.
  20. DoeEyed

    Over 74 degrees loses 4 percent a day???

    He's full of shit, sorry. Look at it logically - if that was true, the growers who have a higher temp permanantly, for their entire grow, would yield nothing.