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  1. BeefSupreme

    Flowering to young

    balls are males, white pistils are girls
  2. BeefSupreme

    need reassurance that i did right

    You should transplant before it becomes so dense. not only does it make pockets where the ph changes, the roots suffocate, unused salts build up, and can really stunt you plant. you should be flushing every week or 2 just to be safe, i flush mine every week
  3. BeefSupreme

    boy or girl? or two early to tell?

    too early to tell
  4. BeefSupreme

    1st grow Snowryder

    Thats awesome, thanks! I would have thought the buds would be bigger if you could give them more light, how long does it take to flower? standard 7-10 weeks?
  5. BeefSupreme

    yellow leafs purple stem

    Dont boil the honey or molasses, you will just kill all the good enzymes in it. Just warm it up if you are having trouble disolving it
  6. BeefSupreme

    question about my youngens

    Looks like a dude to me, cut it down
  7. BeefSupreme

    1st grow Snowryder

    so whats better about an autoflowering plant?
  8. BeefSupreme

    First terminations!

    i planted my males in the wild haha i couldnt kill them just for bein dudes
  9. BeefSupreme

    flowering weeks

    No 12/12 is referring to the light cycle. 12 on 12 off
  10. BeefSupreme

    new, rarely dented and curled tips

    Looks Underwatered to me. Make sure when you water that you soak the whole pot, and let it dry until the top is dry before you soak again.
  11. BeefSupreme

    wierd coloring on leafs

    Good thing your getting into growing and not photography. Looks fine to me, is it only on a few leaves?
  12. BeefSupreme

    Fans... 24/7?

    Keep all the fans on all the time, it takes 5 minutes for plants to use the air around them, so its always good to have new air on your leaves all the time
  13. BeefSupreme

    First Grow, some questions

    Next time start with smaller pots at first, the bigger ones hold water too well and will drown your plants. Its better to have small pots and water them every couple of days
  14. BeefSupreme

    4x250Watt HPS from single 1000Watt Ballast?

    hmmm, interesting idea. In theory it should work if you put the lights in series
  15. BeefSupreme

    Need to know what light to use?

    Well other then your local walmart, hydroponic stores have really good stuff with really knowledgeable people
  16. BeefSupreme

    Bottom of my plant..

    If you are going to harvest in the next week id say let it sit, any longer id give them a nutrient with phosphorus. Very common to have this deficiency in flowering
  17. BeefSupreme

    Small tiny dust-looking substance?

    could be fly eggs, could be a lot of things. repost or bump when you got pics
  18. BeefSupreme

    Can synthetic ferts be switched to organic mid-flower?

    mmmmmmm radioactive weeeeed
  19. BeefSupreme


    next time top your girls.... yaaa