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  1. NotMine

    Growing weed sideways

    You could train it to grow "sideways" and grow it along the bottom of grow room in tight quarters and all the branches will grow up get better lighting and you'll get quite a few nice colas but it stresses the plant and slows growth some you weigh the pluses and minuses and go your own way
  2. NotMine

    decided to try led grow lghts

    do they list the spectrum of the led's and the lumens? I also wonder the CRI....I dont think they produce useable light for the a good MH or HPS or hell even a CFL all produce ultraviolet light and I'm not sure but do LED's? look forward to see how they work for you
  3. NotMine


    I'm not sure where you live but, it's getting close to being 12/12 out side here where ever I am don't have a calender handy but if you put them outside take a dowel rod or stick and some string to help support you plants. here in my neck of the woods anything three plants or less and less than...
  4. NotMine

    Tips curling down

    Wait a week and look back for preflowers look for white hairs coming from them
  5. NotMine

    You wanna see nute burn?

    That just makes me sad, hope you told him how much he sucked. $0 flushing your resivior 30 min....$55 for nutes....$0 balancing nutes and PH 15 min....growing dank nuggs priceless....
  6. NotMine

    can handling weed make you test positive?

    Yeah I knew all that stuff when I was on probation but for some reason when I posted that some how slipped my mind....:roll: but seriously that is spot on they don't test for thc guess that ends discusion but it was fun while it lasted..they sell cheap dip test online cheep like a few $ a peice...
  7. NotMine

    Will these cfl work?

    you should be able to get a five pack at ace for 13.99, I'd go soft white for flowering thats just me though either way you go will work..have fun!
  8. NotMine

    bug's NNNOOO!!!!

    I'm not sure how easy it is to get near your plants in your grow room, if you look under your foilage up at the light youll see lots of mites if it is mites aphids are easy to spot there huge compared to mites, and webbing is a really bad infestion if it's not from a house spider.I hate mites so...
  9. NotMine

    can handling weed make you test positive?

    Not through your skin, I'd wash my hands real good wouldn't want to see what would happen if some glands fell in the cup while you were shaking it off!! been there, probation sucks will end soon if you can stand to play by their rules for a min.
  10. NotMine

    Flowering gone bad...any ideas? PICS

    All that being said you shoulnt ever overlook your PH, I am not a pro but I call nute lock up with nute burn afterwards trying to correct, Always watch PH the test kits are cheap...belive me I've been there
  11. NotMine

    one of my girls has been sleeping around

    who the hell told you cell phones are killing the honey bees???? africanized bees are killing all the european honey bees here in the states...why is this a problem there bees all bees are good right? wrong! africanized bees do pollinate some crops but not others, there bent on domination not...
  12. NotMine

    canadian delivery

    Well your not in the U.S so I wouldn't think it would be that hard to find some place.....I like to source my stuff close to home so I can go pick it up I guess I'm just paranoid.
  13. NotMine

    It aint growing fast enough

    hey are those water bottles clear? if so plant in something where light cannot reach root system.
  14. NotMine

    brown spots and had high PH! :(

    hey just keep the PH right that should take care of your problem,I have had the same problem just recently (guessing) it's hard to tell cause there so small, mine was lock out PH way to high caused potasium def and minor copper/mg def so I had brown spots curling up of leave tips on older fans...
  15. NotMine

    What is wrong with my 4 month old plant?? (Pics)

    Well I'm sure it's root bound in that tiny container oh well it could be worse. have you checked the PH of your water? do you check you PH when you add nutes? it can lower you PH quickly and your roots are cramped probably a combo of both. still looks good lots of good info on checking PH in...
  16. NotMine

    Air Conditioned cool tube idea- will it work?

    Noooo! come on man 1000 bulbs and water don't mix if it leaks it can explode can you say shreded plants or worse. air cool it if you can it worth the extra thought. I love basements there always cool and you have easy acess to intake or A/C tubes as long as your tubes are sealed no smell will...
  17. NotMine

    Show me your stems :) no homo

    Yeah thats norml...looks healthy just some roots poping out to help hold her upright haven't saw that since my girl made me go organic, must be a Hydro thing?....
  18. NotMine

    first grow journal - comments always welcome

    Nice....Carmellicious I saw those, kinda pricy, should have spent the extra 40 those are nice, would have tried to clone. have you tried or is it a real pain? don't want to shell out cash every 90days!! your journal is nice:eyesmoke:
  19. NotMine

    starting #4 INDOOR GROW

    I don't care if you think you can grow, your disrespectful....hope karma sends you something nice. you don't know anyone here I been growing for 15 years and I only have 10 post sorry I don't post pics I don't need to prove anything you should just go away most people who say there great are...
  20. NotMine

    *** Help the DOC out ??? ***

    Good question..I know with other plants, some prefer a good freeze it will actually help germ percentages. I just always thought it may be true with my seeds, I store mine in freezer black film containers. I can't report any abnormal losses but maybe I'm just lucky.