hurry up and start selling, try selling on ebay that should help....:hump: the quicker you get busted the safer the world will be I dont sell weed I GIVE IT TO MY FRIENDS get a clue ya greedy lazy asshole
Thats it man...your dads cut off!! sound like you two need to work one the old comunication skills...sounds like something that would happen at my place...I'm older and forget theres anyone else around and my kid gets pissed when I borrow his stuff and don't tell him. sorry to hear that, no...
good old dusted thai stick that will give you some shit to talk about, havent' thought back that far in a min.last time I smoked some was back in 86 and it had so much PCP on it, it looked laced with coke.and I didn't leave the house for two days and lost my job thai stick is a thing of the past...
bend growing shoot dont break and tie down for a few days to bush it out,or top it a bushy short plant will make good use of all the extra space, how old is she?early veg or late
I watched the games and china needs all the help they can get, and the us has a few good swimmers aus has one. but I hear yall have more hot ass chicks down there than us,and they talk cool too go USA
The Smell, and the mailman,and the electric guy,and the cops when they end up there because of some petty shit, like your wife can drive right and can't keep a low profile and the neighborhood Ass Hole calls on her...... it's O.K honney it's just a 2 year min. I've come to belive no matter how...
If the mexicans, for lack of better name, took the time to grow and cure and trim all the shit they grow, we couldn't get nice mid's for $80 a bag. The stuff serves a purpose. your plants look nice, skunk is my favorite smell....
I would only have dark period during veg if I needed to keep a low key. lights off at night, other wise your just prolonging maturation, longer the lights are on the more growth per day in vegative. if thats wrong someone please correct me.
get some mushroom compost from nursery somewhere, bat guanno, peat brick,lime,blood meal and a tiller and till it 18" deep untill that shit is mixed not fine as sand, but smaller than golf balls, and sit back and watch em grow
Most house plants harbor mites and eggs, get yourself some pre mix and grow away but going organic and mixing your own is the way to big buds. do it right and she'll do you right. keep your plants away from your house plants mites suck really bad
Indica strains tend to be more x-mas tree shaped lots of branching when un pruned and fan leaves are really fat , kinda like a bush. sativa strains tend to be tall and have skinny leaves and light branching, like a tree but unless you got your seeds from some where good, its a hybrid of some sort
there was no such thing as a grow forum when I was 14 years old so I just free balled it. And bag seed was all the rage,and indoor was not a option. That said thats good shit man I needed a laugh my day has stunk
I'll second that,organic is the way to go,unless you like harsh chemical herbs. some people do.....and wow I want a "card" I'd need a few more friend though. stick with dirt it's never let me down, and you have more of a grace period spoting and treating pest & nute def, careing for that many...