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  1. massah

    DWC with no Air Stones! you Heard me!!!!

    Aye danke...I've been thinking of doing a similar system using 5 gallon buckets and two pumps instead of one(just in case one dies, Redundancy!) :D
  2. massah

    Peer pressure?

    I tried it a few times because my friends were doing it...but i didn't get anything off it...took the 3rd time to get superbaked...didn't like it...tingly sensation all over my body...i was completely ripped...didn't smoke again for a decade...wifey wanted to try she tried it...liked...
  3. massah

    Just wondering what people think is the best way to just a a lil more nitrogen?

    Is this like accidentalling the whole fleshlight?
  4. massah

    Info pls

    looks like you are using too many accounts ;)
  5. massah

    Bringing Weed Back

    good luck getting through security...its not worth really isn't...especially when the drug dog in the airport walks by you and immediately goes for your ass that you shoved it up in ;)
  6. massah

    Why do i always laugh when im high

    I don't laugh all that much anymore while stoned...I use to giggle my ass off like a schoolgirl, but I think my body got over that years ago :D
  7. massah

    Why is my Tangerine Dream taking so long,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

    probably a more sativa dominant pheno of it...take some pics :)
  8. massah

    Info pls

    Just report it and it will be removed :)
  9. massah

    Keep losing my older leafs, yellowing?HELP

    I'm just going to be grasping at straws trying to help you unless you detail out quite a bit more of what you've got going on for growing environment...
  10. massah

    Need help please!!!

    It would probably be the best...revegging is pretty much just for experimental purposes and not actual results...yes it works, but it takes a while and not worth it :)
  11. massah

    Why is my Tangerine Dream taking so long,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

    white hairs are the base of the pistil is a "bud"/flower/calyx...they don't just immediately go BOOM...over the course of flowering the calyxes will start to swell giving you your "buds"... Says its a 70 day flower...
  12. massah

    Normal price for skunk weed and middies?

    seems about right in the city...especially in the winter...
  13. massah

    Solve My Floor Problem Please

    It's not like my basement hasn't flooded several time in the past already lol :D
  14. massah

    should i cut this yet?

    I'd probably chop that if I was looking for a more energetic high like you are :)
  15. massah

    Keep losing my older leafs, yellowing?HELP

    is the plant kinda lime colored or are your leave a nice deep green? Also what are you using for lighting and how often are you watering?
  16. massah

    Keep losing my older leafs, yellowing?HELP

    looks like a combination of lack of nutrients...possible nutrient splash when watering...possible rootbound in the pot...and probably lack of light to the lower vegetation :)
  17. massah

    I need help with clones, i have about a 50% success rate

    Did you scrape down the sides a bit before putting the clonex on? Did you cut a new 60 degree angle at the tip after pulling it out of a cup of water? Also sometimes it can take a good 2 weeks+ to form roots, especially if you took the clones during flowering :)
  18. massah

    Solve My Floor Problem Please

    I just let it drain out on the concrete floor and evaporate... :D
  19. massah

    G-13 Skunk #1

    probably the G-13 in her...that has a nice sweet citrusy smell :)