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  1. massah

    Help please. Low ph high ppm

    Probably not a bad idea :)
  2. massah

    I've some questions...

    Overpriced liquid shit and piss put in a bottle...just like the others? :D
  3. massah

    Chemicals, add after ph or before?

    Basically a soil that is limed prevents the soil PH from swinging locking out nutrients. It holds the PH up closer to 7.0 and counteracts the effects of acidic materials in the soil.
  4. massah

    New to indoor, how long do I veg from seed?

    so you are talking approximately 11 plants per light...why don't we make it symetrical and call it 12 per light so 36 plants total...4x3 plants under the 600...I'd probably top them once when they are about 6-8" with about 5 nodes on it...and flip to 12/12 once they've hit about 10-12"...don't...
  5. massah

    Root Problem

    A little browning is normal...but it looks like you've got some slime starting to go on...when was the last time you changed out your reservoir?
  6. massah

    My lovely ladies are drooping like a mofo, help me give them love!!!!

    I use my PPM meter all the time and I only grow in soil so far(want to try hydro at some point though)...its nice to know wtf is in the nutrient solutions I'm giving my I don't need to measure it...i just pour in...check PPM...etc...until I get it where I want it :D
  7. massah

    Chemicals, add after ph or before?

    You don't need to PH your water/nutrients in soil if you are using properly limed soil...
  8. massah

    Help With Germination

    I don't even use a light locked cup..I use a clear shot glass...sit it on the back of my fridge up against the wall so the heat from the back of it keeps it warm...
  9. massah

    Does Light REALLY hurt your plants roots?

    The one thing you will notice on your roots there is the lack of root hair formation due to the light exposure severely reducing the surface area used for osmosis...I don't think that people are trying to say light exposure directly kills a root system...its the sensitivity to light and the...
  10. massah

    My lovely ladies are drooping like a mofo, help me give them love!!!!

    It is Bonide Systemic Houseplant Insect Control. Active ingredient is Imidacloprid :D This stuff:
  11. massah

    My lovely ladies are drooping like a mofo, help me give them love!!!!

    no this was a chemical killer...and I'm too lazy to go down in the basement to see what it was lol :D
  12. massah

    My lovely ladies are drooping like a mofo, help me give them love!!!!

    if fungas gnats don't get enough dead material to chew on they start going for the roots need to break their 3 week incubation cycle...I used some sort of powder from the hardware store...sprinkled a few tablespoons on the top of the soil and watered it...within a month I have no...
  13. massah

    [bold]help anyone ?[/bold]

    It's not bold because its a thread you've visited ;) EDIT: And there are no new posts in it :D
  14. massah

    Pelosi's got the goods

    they are all lying, backstabbing, cheating, money laundering fuckwads who all need to just go away...simple as that...
  15. massah

    Do you think there are naked pictures of you online somewhere?

    WHERE! *giggidy**giggidy*
  16. massah

    Help With Germination

    Sounds like a possible batch of bum seeds...all seeds i've ever germinated that cracked and started poking out within a day has a 1" long root sticking outside it...I just germinated like 12 seeds a couple days ago put in a shot glass with water for a day, poked em and they dropped to the...
  17. massah

    How long does thc take before it turns psychoactive after cut/dry/cure?

    all of the "pros" in all of the grow videos/books/etc that i've ever read say 6 months for a PROPER cure...people just say 2 as who the fuck wants to hold on to bud for 6 months...and after 2 its pretty damn good already :D
  18. massah

    Do you think there are naked pictures of you online somewhere?

    Might as well post some here :D *giggidy* :D