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  1. massah

    If buffet wanted his secretary to pay the same income taxes as he does...

    I guess you don't believe in corruption...its ok sheepy...just keep on going on what they tell you to go'll be ok...
  2. massah

    Drinking all night...

    Thats long over...and she got them :D
  3. massah

    Hermi Not Producing Seeds

    you sure it actually hermi'ed? :D
  4. massah

    Seed Storing

    air tight container...if you live in an area with high humidity you can throw in some silica gel packets to remove the moisture from the air inside the container...then just stick em somewhere cool and yer good to go for several years :D
  5. massah

    Drinking all night...

    LOL...touche :D
  6. massah

    5 weeks flower problem??

    email pictures to yourself from your phone...upload...
  7. massah

    Drinking all night...

    Drinking problem? :D
  8. massah

    olympic 2012 budget quadruples.

    lol jesus fuck...but remember how much they bring in in ad revenues and sponsorships! :D
  9. massah

    If buffet wanted his secretary to pay the same income taxes as he does... are an idiot then...lemme break it down for you... Rich people pray on their "workers" by paying them shit and collecting shitons of profits...they also hide money in capital investments to avoid paying higher income or corporate taxes...even if the capital investments are pure...
  10. massah

    Leaf stems turn red

    a number of things can cause it to happen...strain, temperature, nutrients, etc :D
  11. massah

    If buffet wanted his secretary to pay the same income taxes as he does...

    NLXSK1 is probably a trust baby and doesn't want his inheritance taxed more...lawl...
  12. massah

    Is there a good thread on lollipopping and schedule?

    I usually start trimming up the bottom during veg instead of flowering...if there is still some excess lower useless foliage during flower I trim that off too to the tune of about the bottom 1/4 or so...its a pretty simple concept...cut off lower sucker branches that take nutrients and growing...
  13. massah

    Post your favorite youtube video here!!!!!!!!!

    There are no other better youtube videos: YOU CANT STOP IT...YOU JUST CANNOT STOP IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. massah

    Yellow spots! Could use some help

    yeah get the temp of that res up to at least 65F...58 is a bit chilly...also let your PH go up a bit..5.4 is a little low...try around 5.8 :)
  15. massah

    Babies wilting - very urgent transplant

    ah your roots are just suffocated and not drying out...easy enough to fix...when you go buy your bio bizz soil be sure to grab another bag of perlite and do a 4:1 mix of soil to perlite...and water it less and you should be fine :) EDIT: Oh and you should really think of giving them more...
  16. massah

    Another Mg Deficiency Thread?? Weird! :) - Pics

    You can use it for both...the problem with the granulated dolomite lime is it takes much longer for it to break down and be useful to the plants...the other issues with dolomite lime is the molecule size of the magnesium and calcium in dolomite...its larger than other forms of magnesium/calcium...
  17. massah


    hermi's can just happen sometimes...don't worry about a few seeds here and honestly won't reduce potency all that much :D
  18. massah

    How Much do you Spend on Soil

    Whatever home depot has for pre-limed garden or potting soil...and a bag of perlite to mix up in it as well :D
  19. massah

    Mg Deficiency in Organic mix?

    there is something wrong with that plant?
  20. massah

    Babies wilting - very urgent transplant

    they shouldn't be wilting and yellowing fast after 3 weeks...unless you've got them planted in thimbles...Does your soil contain nutrients? If not FEED THEM! When transplanting just remove the old pot and put the rootball in from the old pot into new soil in the new pot and cover it up a...