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  1. Illegal Smile

    AG Holder Accused of Lying on Medical Marijuana Crackdown

    Of course I think the feds should just back out of MJ totally, BUT it seems to me that for an Attorney General to go before congress and openly say it is their policy to enforce some cases of law X being violated, and ignore others, and to do so based on the administration's own political...
  2. Illegal Smile

    It should be legal to kill Democrats

    A couple dog points to add: 1. DO NOT get a dog based on your feeling that he needs you, UNLESS that feeling is accompanied by some objective thinking that tells you it is the right match. Failed adoptions are one of the main headwinds the no-kill movement faces. Adopting the wrong dog is like...
  3. Illegal Smile

    CNN really pro pot this weekend

    Mitt can ignore MMJ and just let the votes melt away from Obama on the issue. Obama is the one who is "expected" to be pro MMJ, not Romney.
  4. Illegal Smile

    Rand Paul you're on my shit list.

    It must be frustrating. FYI, I know people who proclaim themselves to be libertarians who say their libertarianism requires them to stand up for the rights of the unborn child. And others who say it means it's the woman's body etc etc. In fact, I can find you libertarians who disagree with each...
  5. Illegal Smile

    The banking industry has fucked Spain up to the point it needs 125b to stay afloat

    Part of the reason we spend so much on defense is that since WW2, we have been picking up much of the tab for the defense of Europe. That's where we ought to make some cuts. If the euro-socialists can spend on high wages and short work weeks, let them start paying their way on everything else...
  6. Illegal Smile

    Obama dead

    The funny thing is - we could believe the crash was just an accident in the US, but in Kenya?
  7. Illegal Smile

    Public-employee pensions face a rollback in Calif.

    The fact that you are open-minded enough to give Mitt a chance is how I know your other opinions are reasonable as well.
  8. Illegal Smile

    The banking industry has fucked Spain up to the point it needs 125b to stay afloat

    This thread has gotten off track. Back to topic: If it weren't for all the excess social spending, the banks never would have been involved in the first place. This is the pattern - these countries allow unions to get the upper hand, then th4ey begin spending money they don't have giving away...
  9. Illegal Smile

    Public-employee pensions face a rollback in Calif.

    Government employees are fucking leeches. And unions for government employees? - that's downright Soviet!
  10. Illegal Smile

    It should be legal to kill Democrats

    A greyhound might be good but I'd steer clear of German Shepherd or really, any herding, working or terrier breed since they are not so laid back. A golden retriever or Lab mix might be good.
  11. Illegal Smile

    Public-employee pensions face a rollback in Calif.

    Bill Clinton says this is completely untrue. He said Romney's business record was a good one.
  12. Illegal Smile

    It should be legal to kill Democrats

    I don't think it is all that breed specific. I'd just look for a dog that is over a year old and seems laid back. Kind of low energy and non-competitive. See if you can arrange a weekend visit, that should be long enough to tell. It is natural that we treat our dogs like kids. And if a child...
  13. Illegal Smile

    It should be legal to kill Democrats

    I'll give you some suggestions. If your dog acts like other dogs don't exist, she has no hostility, she is just the alpha. She might benefit from another dog, but it is important that the other dog have a low alpha drive - in other words, happy to be the follower not the leader. To do that I...
  14. Illegal Smile

    It should be legal to kill Democrats

    I agree 100%. And I didn't mean anyone on here. I have been doing a lot of dog rescue work for years, and we see a lot of dogs that were used as grow guard dogs that were badly abused. Usually because some nimrod thought that was how you "make them mean." In most cases, these dogs were so badly...
  15. Illegal Smile

    Oh no, it happened again...

    I'll be! And to think I have him/her/it on ignore.
  16. Illegal Smile

    It should be legal to kill Democrats

    All a security system does is provide an alarm. Any dog will do that, you don't need a "guard dog." And you can buy a security system for less than it costs to take care of a dog for one year - if you take care of him properly (which I'm guessing most of the people in question don't).
  17. Illegal Smile

    Oh no, it happened again...

    Libruls I know are rejecting Obama in droves. Even the "Obama Girl" from 08 isn't supporting him anymore. I had Obama over to the house yesterday, but the mop broke.
  18. Illegal Smile

    It should be legal to kill Democrats

    Why would I need a guard dog? Guard dogs are for people who are less intelligent than the dogs.
  19. Illegal Smile

    Public-employee pensions face a rollback in Calif.

    People are looking at the pay and benefit packages that public sector unions have extracted from local communities and thinking - I don't have a deal like that, and I'm paying for theirs - fuck that!