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  1. asaph

    Coco Growers Unite!

    TDS is less hard to get than pH - it may well be that the cheap ones will do the trick for you - but I wouldn't know, I only have the HM one. Some do water/feed/water/feed in coco, I prefer to feed every time. Also depends on your method - with drips 4 times a day I guess you don't have to...
  2. asaph

    Nute burn?

    but maybe not as much ppm as you used. that is, more N in the NPK, but not more NPK. following?
  3. asaph

    Nute burn?

    flush well, start feeding again with much N.
  4. asaph

    Yellowed, and now some spots.

    why would that happen? just control it
  5. asaph

    Yellowed, and now some spots.

    hydro requires a lower pH, 5.6-6.0, 5.8 best. what's your ppm?
  6. asaph

    plz help do i need bigger pot due to this pic OR WHAT !!!!

    from what i've seen, at 4 weeks in, roots hardly grow anymore... so it doesn't seem useful to transplant at this stage, better before. Also i hear that smart pots / air pots are very good to eliminate root boundness.
  7. asaph

    Coco Growers Unite!

    hey man good luck, coco is great. you can get whatever company you like, it's better to get coco specialized nutes which most companies offer, but hydro nutes can work fine, and even soil nutes will work I believe. If you're using very soft or distilled water, be sure to have an available way to...
  8. asaph

    Growing to

    I don't think they will be ready in two weeks. what light are you using? give your buds some more time to fill and swell... and check trichs. when you see amber ones start flushing.
  9. asaph

    4x4x6.5 Ft 600 watt hps Cooling question

    looks noisy. make sure it's not too noisy for your needs.
  10. asaph

    Cabinet setup. Need some advise

    looks good to me! be sure to get some real good genetics if you're growing just one plant. Also you want to maximize the volume of soil in your box in anyway you can - this will both increase your yield by much, and also help keep the box cool by a bit. it's a good plan!
  11. asaph

    Mg, Ca, and Nutrient Lockout Issues..Need Help

    chlorine in tap water harms the micro herd in soil, not the plants themselves, and it evaporates overnight. your deficiency symptoms are more likely due to lockout (from too high cal perhaps). your water is pretty hard, no need to add calmag. it's not bad to "leech" salts out of the roots...
  12. asaph

    Please help

    what is natural light? what kalvin temp? yellow or white? I imagine white. White light is not good for flowering - you need yellow/orange/red. but leaves shriveling is not because of this - it is because of root or nutrition problem. Post some pictures of your whole plant, provide some info on...
  13. asaph

    New to RO: seeing deficiency quickly develop 3 wks into FLR. Mag or Nitrogen??? Pics

    i'm agreeing with the post above. twice a day for such massive bushes (nice going!) sounds like too little for hydroton. you should water every time the medium becomes dry (or a short while after that). oxygenate your water well and keep temps below 75, then you won't have root rot and...
  14. asaph

    plz help do i need bigger pot due to this pic OR WHAT !!!!

    So yeah, the soil mix is very important. Fox Farm would be great, if you can get a medium that's coconut coir (جوزة الهند), this would be best. Radiator water should be distilled (مقطر?), stripped of all salts...
  15. asaph

    I need second opinions, mg deficient?

    put a better picture where the whole plant is seen it does look like mg def but a better picture is needed to tell and anyway, don't be too quick to get that epsom salt, mg def is likely to be cause by nutrient or ph lockout, check that as well. if you're using RO water or distilled then you...
  16. asaph

    needs help, pics and i am following the template

    indeed learning to grow is quite hard, despite what they say. But when learning you have to pay your tuition on time otherwise learning costs more... Now it's time to count your losses and start over (unless you really have no more seeds and can't get any). These plants have taken too much...
  17. asaph

    do u think this is nute burn ?

    flushing them may help, salts may have accumulated. also in soil keep your pH at 6.5
  18. asaph

    plz help do i need bigger pot due to this pic OR WHAT !!!!

    ahalan wasahalan ya habibi it's nice to know there is growing in your kingdom, may allah benefit you and your people from this blessing. I bet it is hard to get the stuff you need there. are you sure you can't get anything to measure pH? maybe those test strips - they have many uses, should be...
  19. asaph

    Any ideas on making my own distilled water ?

    dunno about the d/h, but a/c water is just as good as RO. But seriously, get an RO machine. It's not so expensive, and youwon't have to log all that water from the store...
  20. asaph

    Hindu Kush. Need info from people experienced in growing Hindu Kush

    I grew it last batch, didn't have any particular problem. show some pics maybe? And also, use coco for better results and less problems.