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  1. bignugdoug

    Does this look like a hermie???

    First of all thanks to all who helped answer my question. so i contained the he/she for a day now i am wondering if the balls could have just been swollen calyx's cause as of right now every ball looking sack that i was woried about is shooting pistols. could it be possible we were all wrong on...
  2. bignugdoug

    Does this look like a hermie???

    im gonna trash it. i have more females around and have plenty of fem seeds. well another one bites the dust
  3. bignugdoug

    Does this look like a hermie???

    First of all sorry for the HPS pic. Well i would like some advice on this i know the pic is not the best but it is all i got to work with. This plant has pistols everywhere on it but i have been seeing these little balls popping up in a few places wasnt for sure if they are just calyx's or what...
  4. bignugdoug

    would you top on your first grow?

    IMO a new grower should top to get used to how the plant reacts and how it grows after topping. In some cases it can be great especially for new grower with limited space. Read up on it make sure you are familiar with it then execute. That's my 2 cents. I mean come on its not rocket science.
  5. bignugdoug

    Can you tell sex of a plants by preflowers.

    Thanks guys for all the quick responses. and don't worry i got my eye out for them little bastads. this is my first indoor grow so I'm keeping a very close eye on them all at the moment
  6. bignugdoug

    24hr VEGGING??

    I also look at it this way plants need their sleep if not we would not get those lovley buds we all live so much think about that one
  7. bignugdoug

    24hr VEGGING??

    I have tried both 18/6 and 24/7. In my opinion the plants that were grown with a light cycle of 18/6 grew at a steady rate no stretching and were all around more stable plants and really full of growth. The plants i grew with a cycle of 24/7 semmed to be more of a hassle due to stretching. I...
  8. bignugdoug

    Can you tell sex of a plants by preflowers.

    I am a week into 12/12 and i am wanting to know if you can simply tell the sex by preflowers. I have several females shooting their pistols so far but a few of my other plants are, well just not showing signs yet. Is there any certain growth that will show me the sex or just need to wait to...
  9. bignugdoug

    Urinalysis... sigh... any advice?

    I am all for just drinking straight water once you've drank so much it travels through your system so fast it doesn't have time to pick up the thc that's in your system. i could literly smoke the day of my test and still pass. you have to drink at least a gallon and a half of water for it to...
  10. bignugdoug

    Is 45 Degrees to cold?

    Yes most definitely try to keep them warm if at all possible
  11. bignugdoug

    Urinalysis... sigh... any advice?

    When i used to be on probation had to take one every two weeks and smoked everyday. drink about 2 gallons of water and get some B-complex from the dollar stire and take 4 3 hours before your test works 100% i would bet my crop on it had to do this every two weeks for 18 months
  12. bignugdoug

    Lol u guys have to see this

    This guy is out of his freakin mind.
  13. bignugdoug

    3 leaf seedling!!??!! Green House Super Bud fem.

    I too have a plant just like this one. also came from GHSC and at first i didn't know what was going on until i found this thread, thankfully i did cause it was hetting ready to meat the end. all is well with the plant now and your gonna probably experience more funky mutant growth as it gets...
  14. bignugdoug

    can i use a t8 for clones and seeds???????

    I use a t8 grow light just like the one you mentioned i use for clones and seedlings. it works very well i think i actually got mine from wal-mart in the light section and it is actually for growing plants. i believe you should be fine using it. i uave had little strech while using this light...
  15. bignugdoug

    complete f@#kup ...can i chop n reroot?

    Yeah i would just take some small clones and start over if its that bad. good luck
  16. bignugdoug

    Start an autoflower plant now?

    I believe i would wait till you can put it outside. i have tried putting seedlings in the window and it causes a lot of streching. I have never had much luck with putting anything in the window. wal-mart sells a florescent grow light for plants that's what i use to grow my clones and seedlings...
  17. bignugdoug

    Lights shutting of mid flower, should I be worried?

    Yeah that doesn't sound very good. If a light leak during lights out can cause a herm i don't think it would be very good for the lights to come on and go back off in that short of time. i would reset the timer and just run straight 12/12. IMO it wouldn't be good while flowering.
  18. bignugdoug

    how my 4 week plant look

    Looking good. keep it up and good luck with your grow.
  19. bignugdoug

    why do timers break so easily?

    I agree about the cheap ones. just spend a little extra cash and get a decent one. also don't over load them cause it very easy to. i like mechanical timers over most digital ones simply because they are not as complicated.
  20. bignugdoug

    Branch Topping to the EXTREME?

    I top my plants everywhere i can never had any bad problems. make sure you give your plant ample time to.recover before flowering.