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  1. formula42

    shipwrecked... Dude I'm stoked!

    dude i'm sooooo patient.. i have some awesome lambs beard to puff so... no rush but seriously... good idea to be flushing now or should i feed her once more?
  2. formula42

    off and rollin.. first cfl grow

    right now i see a couple trichs are yellowish golden, many are cloudy and many are clear. I have started flushing but i'm in no hurry to cut her down. Shes my favorite houseplant. Yeah, I'm a big fan of LST. If you notice, when I first planted the seed outside, it was along a fence so it...
  3. formula42

    off and rollin.. first cfl grow

    thats a question answered all the time in the harvest forum. basically, the color of the trichomes tells you how far along you are. they start clear and change to cloudy, yellowy, orange, burnt, and then brown and the color of the trichome has to do with the chemical makeup and different...
  4. formula42

    shipwrecked... Dude I'm stoked!

    What.. being clever?? It's working just fine. Someone on here suggested I use soda cans and I just went to town on it. Works very well! No complaints here!
  5. formula42

    shipwrecked... Dude I'm stoked!

    into like week 6 or 7 of flowering this trainwreck variation. what do you think? theres a link to the whole grow in my sig
  6. formula42

    How are things looking?

    looks pretty good. check out the link in my sig if you want to compare my solo plant cfl grow. are your lights 12/12 because i read you say they were already flowering but i think you said the lights were on 24???
  7. formula42

    off and rollin.. first cfl grow

    So i ended up feeding her 3 days ago. Today I flushed again with 2 gallons of clean water. While saturated, I noticed the Springtails are back in action. I was watching them hop around when I noticed something else slithering around. At first I thought it was some sort of worm... I pulled it out...
  8. formula42

    off and rollin.. first cfl grow

    thanks everyone. so the question: to feed or not to feed. i'm thinking about feeding her again today. two days ago i flushed with 2 gallons of fresh water and molasses. i think i'm gonna hit her with the big bloom again today though.
  9. formula42

    off and rollin.. first cfl grow

    LST = low stress training. google it
  10. formula42

    off and rollin.. first cfl grow

    I think trichomes are all pretty much clear. Maybe 10% cloudy.
  11. formula42

    Purple Cream, and Querkle

    i just smoked a bowl of some purple cream. nice smelling. soft sticky buds. good flavor. about 7 on the 1-10 scale with 10 being the stoniest. I had some Querkle last week that was a bit stonier. Wasn't impressed with the flavor until I smoked it out of a clean Roor and then pure grape came...
  12. formula42

    off and rollin.. first cfl grow

    energy costs are not noticeable. maybe a few bucks more per month. the closet its in has no ventilation so i leave the door open. the good thing is though, i can shut and lock the door and nobody can tell anything is behind it. the bad news is in the summer it is too hot to keep the door open...
  13. formula42

    off and rollin.. first cfl grow

    yeah its cfl 1 x 65w soft white, 6 x 23w soft white, 2 x 23w daylight I'm thinking about getting one of those hydrofarm 125w cfl hoods
  14. formula42

    off and rollin.. first cfl grow

    this plant would be about 18" tall if i had not lst'ed it. it is a fairly small plant. i will try to get some comparison shots with a lighter or something in there. this plant lived outside for the first 5 weeks of its life. luckily, the only bugs i ever got were those beneficial springtails
  15. formula42

    off and rollin.. first cfl grow

    no i never topped it. I never cut anything. I just pulled it over a week before i flipped the lights to 12/12 In the canopy picture the top of the plant is the biggest cola over to the top left of the plant. the plant is pulled down straight back in that picture and it curves around the edge of...
  16. formula42

    off and rollin.. first cfl grow

    you know what, i'm not even sure what week this is into flowering.
  17. formula42

    off and rollin.. first cfl grow

    *edit* we're in week 4 actually
  18. formula42

    off and rollin.. first cfl grow

    thanks.. i think keeping all those 23w cfls right on it like within an inch really helped a lot. i'll check out the shack for a scope
  19. formula42

    off and rollin.. first cfl grow

    The last couple days I noticed some roots were showing near the base of the plant at the top of the soil. I put a little more soil in today to cover it and gave her a good watering. I would love to just rip off a bud and smoke it up.. good thing I have this nicely cured headband to keep me busy.