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  1. formula42

    Hempy Bucket vs. Fox Farm Soil

    I think it's starting to grow a little bit. It has been in the bucket for 1 week now.
  2. formula42

    Hempy Bucket vs. Fox Farm Soil

    the bucket is about 1.5 gallons. is it safe to use FF grow big and tiger bloom in a hempy bucket or do i need hydro nutes?
  3. formula42

    Hempy Bucket vs. Fox Farm Soil

    my xj13 clone has been in the hempy for about 4 days with little growth. about when should i start seeing growth and is it ok to give it FF grow big??
  4. formula42

    Hempy Bucket vs. Fox Farm Soil

    ok i'm doing it. theres a link to the grow in my sig.
  5. formula42

    Grape Punch w/ cfls, T5s, in Fox Farm soil

    I LSTed the Grape Punch and it's been vegging for about 2 weeks. I gave it FF big bloom a couple times and tonight i gave it a dose of Alaskan fish emulsion. (5-1-1) I also started a XJ13 in a Hempy Bucket. I wanted to try out the method so we'll see. Just been watering that one with tap water...
  6. formula42

    off and rollin.. first cfl grow

    Oh yeah, so final report.... that shit was bomb. Way more crystally than my neighbors outdoor. The smoke was super smooth and the high, i don't really remember the details its been a few months now i forgot to update but it was good.
  7. formula42

    anybody growin with 23 watters?!

    Yep you will be fine. Start with just 2 or 3 and work your way up. Those 23w bulbs are cheap! Buy a bunch of 3 way bulb adapters and you can add more lights if you need them. Shouldn't need more than 6-8. Check out the link in my sig I grew some bomb with only 23 watters.
  8. formula42

    Grape Punch w/ cfls, T5s, in Fox Farm soil

    I tried to germinate the 1 and only seed I got from my last Shipwreck grow but it didn't pop so that was that. This time I'm starting from clone with 1 Grape Punch. The empty bucket is going to be used for a hempy experiment to be started soon. I want to compare Fox Farm Soil to hempy bucket...
  9. formula42

    ak-47 2 weeks flowering, opinins pleez

    wondering why the stems are so fat. did you have a fan blowing on it a lot?
  10. formula42

    check out this Fu**ing CFL!!

    looks like a 65w cfl from lowes
  11. formula42

    Hempy Bucket vs. Fox Farm Soil

    I'm gonna start something in about a week and i'm trying to decide. I'm about 90% leaning toward the hempy bucket with perlite/vermiculite but today at the grocery store half a block from my place I saw they stock Fox Farm soil and nutrients. I was shocked! Big Bloom, Grow Big, and Tiger Bloom...
  12. formula42

    Trainwreck CFL grow. 1.5 Month veg

    yeah i lst'ed mine during the week i switched to 12/12 and then the stem grew horizontally with petioles coming straight up from the stem. if you do it too late, the stem is already to think and instead of growin horizontally, it will go more at a 45 degree angle and its not really going to...
  13. formula42

    Trainwreck CFL grow. 1.5 Month veg

    yeah trainwreck is a sativa so whatever... shes way ready to flower. it looks like you are trying to copy my Shipwreck grow. check it out in my signature and ask me if you have any specific questions. your lights should be way closer. like 1" from the plant. no further than 2". each bulb...
  14. formula42

    shipwrecked... Dude I'm stoked!

    I want to try all of those!
  15. formula42

    shipwrecked... Dude I'm stoked!

    i don't know the main stem isn't really that fat. I guess it got big because I flowered it pretty eaerly and it didn't really stretch out too much. She was a nice a squat little bush with a fat stalk. genetics maybe? only got one seed out of this whole batch too.
  16. formula42

    Yeah you could do the whole thing under 2700k... it's just better if you have some 6500k in...

    Yeah you could do the whole thing under 2700k... it's just better if you have some 6500k in there too. Do you want it to be better?? or do you want to just grow some pot? i just wanted to grow some pot and I ended up impressing myself. good luck!
  17. formula42

    The Horror in the Tube

    sounds pretty good
  18. formula42

    CFL hempy's::very first grow

    you'll get it. now is the best time to learn and experiment.