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  1. DoeEyed

    Invalid File Upload Message!

    It's the site. They are having a problem, and working to fix it. Probably won't be right away though.
  2. DoeEyed

    Leafs have Light round spots

    It sounds like the beginning of a problem. If you can upload a pic or two, it would help.
  3. DoeEyed

    Complete Darkness during Vegetative phase?

    Light leaks during veg will not harm your plant.
  4. DoeEyed

    can plants not just feed themselves?

    You're going to cut down your yield by doing this. In the wild, no, they don't use up all their resources - the earth doesn't run out of nutrients for them to use.
  5. DoeEyed

    *Does topping weaken the smoke??

    Topping does nothing to the strength of the smoke. If you are interested in doing it, check out Uncle Ben's topping thread, it's stickied in the Advanced Cultivation section. I use this method, get four main colas on every plant.
  6. DoeEyed

    harvested weed be ok unatended 4 a month?

    You could chop and hang the entire plant, that will help slow the drying process, should be fine when you get back.
  7. DoeEyed

    Topping, Good idea or Bad Idea?

    I'm all for topping - keeps your plants shorter, while giving you multiple colas. I use Uncle Ben's topping method, to get four main colas on every plant - no guesswork. The thread is stickied in the Advanced Cultivation section, if you want to see it. You can look at my Trainwreck journal as...
  8. DoeEyed

    Upload Denied?

    If it helps at all, I recieved a new error message a few minutes ago: "Your submission could not be processed because a security token was missing. If this occurred unexpectedly, please inform the administrator and describe the action you performed before you received this error."
  9. DoeEyed

    The GHS White Grow

    Yep it isn't happening today either - new error though, so they must be working on it.
  10. DoeEyed

    Upload Denied?

    I'm having the same problem.
  11. DoeEyed

    The GHS White Grow

    Sorry, I've been trying for over an hour, it isn't letting me upload pics tonight. Keeps telling me "Upload Error". I'll try again in the morning.
  12. DoeEyed

    Negative Rep

    I think it's because a lot of people start talking shit in the first place, believing they are in a consequence-free environment. When they discover there is a consequence to their behavior, albeit a small one (neg. rep), it comes as a suprise for whatever reason.:roll:
  13. DoeEyed

    The GHS White Grow

    Damage due to my own stupidity does kinda make me cringe. But that's ok, I'm not too proud to admit my fuckups. Yeah I thought I had the nutes down. My notes don't help much, because I am still experimenting with different strains, until I find one I'm happy with. At least the next three or four...
  14. DoeEyed

    The GHS White Grow

    Me. lol Well I got a little lax, had too many weeks with both my current grows without problems I guess, and wasn't paying quite as much attention as I should. So. The PH got too high, lights were too low, and temps got a bit too cold - all of which caused some damage. Oh and apparently, these...
  15. DoeEyed

    Round Three: GHS Trainwreck

    Thanks! The White grow is still going - I just haven't put up pics of them recently. I'll update it tonight or tomorrow.
  16. DoeEyed

    Ladybug showed up from nowhere? Should I be concerned?

    Yep, smppro has the right of it. Every year my house gets bombarded by them (cornfield right outside). I have these guys living in my mj plants. They have not eaten any of my leaves, (and there are no bugs) they just die. If your leaves are being eaten, there is somthing else in there besides...
  17. DoeEyed

    Sensi Star growing

    I think it's just the pot size, mine are in three gallon, and they need water about every four days - so about a week for yours, sounds right.
  18. DoeEyed

    Round Three: GHS Trainwreck

    Thanks! Welcome aboard, glad to have you.
  19. DoeEyed

    DenseBud's 400-watt HGS Avalanche w/ FoxFarm Nutes & Soil Grow

    Yeah I was happily suprised by the results of topping, using Uncle Ben's method. I use feminized seeds myself, I don't want to waste space and resources on males. Your plants look good so far! Just a note - you said you topped them all at the second or third node? If you're going for four colas...
  20. DoeEyed

    Round Three: GHS Trainwreck

    Thanks! All four main colas on each plant look like that, too. I'm excited about 'em - size wise, they aren't too shabby I don't think, for having vegged under CFL's. I would say they definately liked being topped, eh? Thanks Dragon. yeah that's me - the huntress.:-P