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  1. DoeEyed

    The one with the dowel rod poking up is the Moby Dick - on the left in the top row, on the right...

    The one with the dowel rod poking up is the Moby Dick - on the left in the top row, on the right in the next three rows. She's slightly different than the Trainwreck, just a bit smaller with broader leaves, but still doing well.
  2. DoeEyed

    Hey there, I gotta hit the hay, but feel free to post any more questions you have, or Pm me too...

    Hey there, I gotta hit the hay, but feel free to post any more questions you have, or Pm me too if you like. Hope I was helpful to you. Catch ya tomorrow!
  3. DoeEyed

    Whew! Just smoked a few knife hits of a little popcorn bud..

    Kind of amazing when you think about it eh? I'm tryin not to go picking off my little popcorn buds - trying to wait, but it gets harder every day!bongsmilie
  4. DoeEyed

    a few newbie ?s

    Yeah if you look around the forum, there are a few reports of that happening, like a twin inside the seed or somthing. As for transplanting - well, as long as it doesn't seem to be rootbound, you're fine - I know they can go awhile in those cups. For myself - I start out in small jiffy cups...
  5. DoeEyed

    Whew! Just smoked a few knife hits of a little popcorn bud..

    lol And how good does it feel to know you grew that little bud that got you high...:mrgreen::eyesmoke:
  6. DoeEyed

    a few newbie ?s

    Nope you don't wanna do that - keep too much moisture on 'em all the time. Water at lights on, thoroughly, until the water just starts to run out the bottom. (Dump any excess). Then do not water again until you stick your finger to the middle knuckle in it, and feel no moisture. Allowing them to...
  7. DoeEyed

    a few newbie ?s

    It's an addicting hobby, I'll tell ya that!:mrgreen: Can't advise you one way or another on the eggshells, might try a forum search for that one. But I'm useing MG All Purpose Plant Food (liquid) for veg, and Jack's Classic Blossom Booster for flowering. The MG has been working well for me thus...
  8. DoeEyed

    might start growing

    First two grows unknown bagseed, but indica dominant - bout all I know. This last one now - GHS Trainwreck! Those little buggers stunk out their closet by three weeks old, my whole bedroom at four, and now the entire upstairs of my house! Smells great - but definately not good for the "stealth"...
  9. DoeEyed

    a few newbie ?s

    Nah you're not bothering me, happy to help a fellow grower if I can. Feel free to PM me too, if you have a question and I'm not here. Or post away - lots of others here who will help a body out. I feel you on the budget issue - it's been tight for us too - we've had to piece together our...
  10. DoeEyed


    lol I hear ya there! My little Trainwreck babies are stinking out the entire upstairs of my house - starting to drift downstairs, and not going into flower for another two weeks yet!:-P I love the smell - but better do somthin about it I suppose. Your ladies are looking great!:weed:
  11. DoeEyed

    might start growing

    Have to disagree - it depends on the strain. Thus far everything I've grown, has started stinking between two and three weeks old.:peace:
  12. DoeEyed

    a few newbie ?s

    Nah, that last part is just another bs story. However - unless you have a hygrometer in there (measures your humidity) I wouldn't put a humidifier in there, too much will give you mold. You want around 60% humidity in veg, and around 30% in flowering. If you don't have one, that's something else...
  13. DoeEyed

    My first grow **White Widow**

    Your ladies look great, nice job for the first time!:peace:
  14. DoeEyed

    a few newbie ?s

    I would invest in a timer - you can get one for about ten bucks for the low wattage of lights you are using, saves a lot of headaches! Well that and the risk of forgetting, or not being home, and dropping the hours of light too low and triggering flowering before you're ready.
  15. DoeEyed

    a few newbie ?s

    It's kind of a personal choice - everyone has their own opinion. Mine, is that the plants need a bit of rest each day, like anything else. I used to do 18/6, but I read a thread that talked about an experiment with different light cycles - and according to that, 20/4 was found to be the best for...
  16. DoeEyed

    a few newbie ?s

    In veg you mean, or flower? Depending on the strain, they will be sexually mature anywhere from 3 - 8 weeks+. Basically once you see alternating nodes instead of paired, it's mature. Flowering an indica takes on average 6-9 weeks, and a sativa 9-12 weeks.:leaf:
  17. DoeEyed

    check out my sweet buds

    Beautiful! I mean wow, I hope I can grow out a bud as sexy as those! Way to grow!:weed:
  18. DoeEyed

    a few newbie ?s

    Yep, it's not a thing you wanna use. Personally, I'd rather spend the three bucks and get something I know is safe, than take the risk of harming my plants. (I use the emergency blankets too). They are 5'x8', so one would probably do ya, if you have a small grow area.:peace:
  19. DoeEyed

    a few newbie ?s

    I'm thinking you still need more light - that will be your biggest reason for slower growth. Also - get the aluminum foil out, it can cause hot spots that can burn your plants. A better option on a budget, would be the emergency blanket - $2.88 at Wal-Mart in the camping section - basically just...
  20. DoeEyed

    who in ur opion is the best seed breeder

    I'm liking Greenhouse Seed Co.:peace: