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  1. brasmith

    Best Way To Get Rid Of Mold w/o Fungicides

    How much of the plant is affected? More than likely if you are just now seeing it it has already been at work for awhile at the stem and has now worked its way out to visibility. You could cut off the affected parts, but your grow environment is naturally humid and this may not stop it from...
  2. brasmith

    First time grower indoors plant problem

    Moving a plant from sunshine, which they dearly love, to one cfl, which they don't love so much, is a major change in a plant's you see the difference???? For sure this is one of the issues you are dealing with...youre plant is in shock from the major change and possibly cannot...
  3. brasmith

    Iron Defeciency???

    Go with Snowwhite's PH reccomendation for straight coco growing, best thing you can do. Apologies for suggesting you ph to 6.5 for your coco grow. I'm in 50% coco w/ 50% fox farm ocean forest soil. Plants accept a ph adjustment easily, it will not shock them.
  4. brasmith

    Iron Defeciency???

    Feeding them bloom nutirents when they are not in their flowering cycle could be part of the issues you are dealing with at this time. Pull that part of your feeding system for now and just use your micro and grow. Between the micro and grow there should be enough cal/mag without having to...
  5. brasmith

    i feel like a newb, please help!/pics

  6. brasmith

    Iron Defeciency???

    Are you giving this food everytime you water? If so, I reccomend switching up your schedule to water, water, feed and so on. Your plants are not showing signs of an iron deficiancy. The nutrients can all be mixed into one feeding but 20ml per 14 liters seems a bit hot. Are your plants in...
  7. brasmith

    Why the fuck is my plant leaning??

    Probably just real stretched with skinny stem and leaves at the top are making it top heavy.
  8. brasmith

    Ph problem...

    There are no directions on that bottle? What I do is add 1/8-1/4 teaspoon incriments until my ph is at the desired ph level. But I also have ph up to counter if I over adjust. From my experience there is really no other way to adjust ph either up or down without checking and rechecking...
  9. brasmith

    yellowing plant...

    Very well put
  10. brasmith

    DRoopy for TWO weeks now!! WTF?!

    So, how are they now after 2 days have gone by since the watering? If they are still drooping by now then "Houston we have a problem". You may have a case of bad soil syndrome if they have not perked up by now. Let us know............
  11. brasmith

    51 days into flowering HELP (pics) +REP

    For hydro your ph is out of range. You should have it hovering between 5.5-5.8. Once you get that taken care of she should begin to take in all available nutrients. Right now she has no access to some valuable nutrients and too much access to others.
  12. brasmith

    DRoopy for TWO weeks now!! WTF?!

    Glad to hear you are happy with us :hug:, we like you too.........there are all kinds of fun forums to cruze and definately tons of excellent information for growing. I have learned nearly everything about growing from RIU. I came here with minimal knowledge about growing and RIU has helped...
  13. brasmith

    DRoopy for TWO weeks now!! WTF?!

    When plants are growing outdoors and in pots they dry out real fast, well kinda of the same as growing indoors under a 1000 watter. There are really only 2 reasons a plant droops (unless the soil is just plain ol bad soil) one is overwatering and the other is underwatering when growing in soil...
  14. brasmith

    nooob with a problem

    NICE DJ! So glad to hear the girls are bouncing back with gusto:weed:
  15. brasmith

    Help They Dont Look Good At All!!! (pics)

    Yes and I'm the police....NOT. You are just restating that valuable point. Hey Robi, Are you the one that grows with no holes in your pots?:shock: If so, did you drill holes in the bottom of your pots yet? And if so and you haven't drilled, you should get right on that.:peace:
  16. brasmith

    anti-budding plant.

    Prove you have a hermie w/ a close up of both plants at the nodes. Anyways don't hurt yourself trying to prove, all you have are males, both of em. Sorry. Btw...why do you post a question and then argue against the answers you get??? Rhetorical question really, no need to answer. You...
  17. brasmith

    Plant BURN!!!

    It is okay for them to have food at this age, but not as much. Thye really should be utilizing their roots. If you straight folier feed to avoid the soil the roots cannot mature and grow. Underdeveloped root systems can cause the plant delays that are not recognizable right now, but may show up...
  18. brasmith

    over 5 weeks and not budding + rep

    Nelly, I'm a sucker for a challenging plant issue, but this one has me stumped. I have a couple thoughts though. One is that nearly pure sativas will generally take longer to begin actual bud formation. This a fairly basic thought just thinking about how sativas differ from indicas in their...
  19. brasmith

    Plant BURN!!!

    The amount of nutirents you are feeding this 5 week old plant will eventually kill it, sooner not later. Your plant needs water at the roots so it can eat and drink from them. During veg it usually isn't necessary to feed them huge blasts of food because nutirents for young plants should be...
  20. brasmith

    OMG HELP! its dying

    A bit dramatic......but restart all your grow gear and it will be fine.:peace: