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  1. brasmith

    Plant dying with about a week left

    I agree with these guys all the way. I think the reason she is not close to being ready is becasue she ahd some sort of plant problem that has held her back and delayed pregressive flowering. Sometimes when plant issues arrise you have to compensate for time flowering at the end. Some plant...
  2. brasmith

    lowryder/AK-47 leave color issue(PIX)

    Yep your leaves look like they are doing what they are supposed to be doing for the age she is. She is completing her life cycle naturally, even though you recently fed her. She knows when time is up, they all do actually. She has stopped using the nutrients you have given her because of the...
  3. brasmith

    Plants in trouble! large dead spots! Please help!! +rep

    Are you using Superthrive? The reason I ask is because the damage to your plant looks like the damage that is caused by adding too much ST, just a thought.
  4. brasmith

    lowryder/AK-47 leave color issue(PIX)

    She's right on track, give a good flush and just water with plain water till you take her down. She looks like she's already flushing herself. When was the last time she had any nutes?
  5. brasmith

    Help not going into Flower

    I have had sativa dominant strains take up to 3 weeks to show as well, and I agree with the others about pic 3 and that pistol showing near the top of the pic. Also, your staggered node spacing is a sign that she is mature and ready for flowering, she's on her way. Another thing is that these...
  6. brasmith

    Do They Look Okay?

    Organics need flushes too.
  7. brasmith

    Help !! my best plant's leafs

    Alot of nutrient systems don't contain enough cal/mag for these plants, especially the 1 part nutrients. The 2 and 3 parts nutrient programs have more but sometimes the strain can need more than is available, shit there is so many variables....if this then that all the time:peace: And it is...
  8. brasmith

    Do They Look Okay?

    It does make a little sense, I wonder though. So how old are your mothers? They do look pretty good. The tons of perilite is probably allowing oxygen to the roots, you almost have a hempy bucket style grow going, but with a bit of soil added. If you begin to get wafts of a rotten scent or...
  9. brasmith

    Do They Look Okay?

    No holes. Ya know that really depleats oxygen at the root zone and these plants love oxygen, well kinda like how you love the availability of oxygen:shock:. How many successful marijuana grows have you had using this method? I mean start to finish grows, not just first grow w/ 2 weeks veg, but...
  10. brasmith

    Do They Look Okay?

    Okay another resource for ya and I have purchased from them and they are located in Canada and they will ship to other Canadians..........maybe this will help ya.
  11. brasmith

    Do They Look Okay?

    Canada, there should be all kinds of garden centers and hydro shops all over the place where you live, they'll carry what your heart desires for soil. What part are you in? Are you near Vancouver? If so you could take a little road trip just down the road to Bellingham, there is a great little...
  12. brasmith

    Help !! my best plant's leafs

    Also, if it does end up to be lacking ca/mag then get some ca mag from Botanicare to treat, good stuff.
  13. brasmith

    Help !! my best plant's leafs

    You give us the ph, however you don't mention what you are feeding them. What nutirent system are they eating? What are the npk values for these nutrients? If you are treating each plant identical and they are all the same strain, then it is likely that if one plant has an issue the others...
  14. brasmith

    Congratulations, Mr. Grower, your new baby is . . . a Hermaphrodite!! EEEk!!

    Even the new guy knows a sucky plant when he sees one, that is funny. Honestly I' have seen a ton of 'hermie alerts' on here, but this is the first true looking one i've have had the pleasure of viewing. I'm so proud to be an RIU member.
  15. brasmith

    tricombs 50/50 color change. Hairs still not red. OK to harvest?

    You can zoom in on individual trichs and study the hues of one pistol at a time, but the "ready" look really is all in the overall appearance and color of the buds as a whole, Fdd said it. Could you tell us how long they have been flowering???? Sativa or indica? This above nearly...
  16. brasmith

    A freaking answer would be appreciated!!!!

    Cfls do not throw enough to be detected. You are safe, the getto bird will not see you. So far you set up sounds fine for your seedlings. :peace:
  17. brasmith

    Thrips Everywhere!!! 1 Week Into Flowering Already...

    Well you do have pests, just not sure what. Thripes leave bored out trails on leaves. Have you checked the under side of the leaves for eggs? Neem oil w/ a drop of dish soap will do the trick. Most garden centers sell a bag of lady bugs for about 5 bucks. Overall though your plants are looking...
  18. brasmith

    Floppy sprout **pic**

    THe veg stage starts naturally. Once these pass the seedling stage they have gone into the veg or growth stage. The seedling stage has passed once they get their second to third set of true leaves, so they will be about about 2 weeks old at that time. But since thay are a bit delayed in their...
  19. brasmith

    Help identify the pest!!!

    They are not white flies. I just dealt with a massive white fly take over, darn things took over both gardens, in and out door, even neem couldn't control the infestation. Fox glove killed the basterds. Not sure what they are though, sorry.