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  1. brasmith

    loose buds

    Use you cfl bulbs for veg stage growth and invest in a 250 to 400 watt hps system, you will not be dissapointed. Besides, cfl bulbs add up in price and you have probably already spent as much on cfl bulbs and set ups as you would have on a 250 watt hps system.
  2. brasmith

    loose buds

    It really is in the lights. When I first started to grow I used cfl lights and had fluffy buds and then invested in a 400watt hps (tax return) and bam nice dense fat sweet nugs on the next grow. However, after 5 grows with the 400 watter I'm ready for MORE BEEF..............1000 wattter here I come
  3. brasmith

    Floppy sprout **pic**

    Very well put!
  4. brasmith

    Thrips Everywhere!!! 1 Week Into Flowering Already...

    You can trim off the dead leaves they won't recover, the discolored ones may get some green back once ph is balanced and the plants can uptake again. If you are in soil ph should be 6.5 for hydro 5.8, 5.9 is ok. Can you show us close up pics of affected leaves from thripe damage? The reason I...
  5. brasmith

    Thrips Everywhere!!! 1 Week Into Flowering Already...

    This is a zinc and mag deficiancy. How is your PH? that wuold be one reason for these issues. Also, if there is build up of other nutirents in your medium then those elements that are built up can cause lock outs of other elements that need to be available.
  6. brasmith

    hermi or seed?

    It is a full on girl only!! She has some swollen calyxes's but that's it. You can confirm for youself though by plucking one off and squeezing it. If it is soft with just air in it then it'is a calyx and if it is a seed pod then it will be hard.
  7. brasmith

    how do i fix babies that have had too much light(NOT HEAT RELATED, JUST LIGHT)

    Sulphur Sulphur is an important element in the structures of amino acids and proteins, and is needed for normal plant respiration and metabolism of sugars and other compounds. If you ever see this in your plants, then you can be assured that you have this deficiency. Look for yellowing...
  8. brasmith

    how do i fix babies that have had too much light(NOT HEAT RELATED, JUST LIGHT)

    This is not a problem due to light bleaching. This is a nutrient issue. Your plant has a sulfer deficiancy. What grow nutrients are you feeding it? NPK of the food? PH? If you have not fed it yet now is the time to begin a 1/4 to 1/2 dose of a grow program. Hope this helps you out and good...
  9. brasmith

    Trying to force flower...somethings going wrong (pics)

    Looks just how the front yard lawn looks after the kids pool has been sitting on the lawn for 2 days, kinda leaves a white circle of dead grass where the pool was. Also what they guy above said was right on as well, under the garbage can got hot like an oven. Let nature take its course, you'd...
  10. brasmith

    Not really a problem but....

    It is called transpiration........
  11. brasmith

    Sexing Help. Pics Included.

    First pic is a boy and the next 2 pics are female
  12. brasmith

    Floppy sprout **pic**

    No worries Hope he comes back so we can help get his seedlings growing for him.
  13. brasmith

    OMG is this plant okay, it is not getting better HI-RES PIC ,

    Hey Forty.. every once and a while these plants can push out a funky finger and nothing will be wrong with the overall health of the plant. Your plant looks good. A short period of time at 89 degrees isn't going to have a major affect on her. She will be okay jsut maintain the res temps so the...
  14. brasmith

    Floppy sprout **pic**

    He knows....don't rub it in:shock::peace: Let him have a chance to recover
  15. brasmith

    Floppy sprout **pic**

    You might try putting them into their permanant home so their tap root has something to search for. As it looks now all the tap gets is a plastic tray, for a seedling that is pretty much a dead end.
  16. brasmith

    dried harvest smells like wet grass?

    The grassy scent that sticks around even with a good curing, is a sign that the plants were harvested a bit too early. Is it getting you high?
  17. brasmith

    This is my first harvest and i need general person to person tips/advice

    Trichs are a defense mechanism for the plants that just happen to get us high. Your plant may be slowing down or being held back by the uvb light, everything else seems good from what you are telling us. I tried using a uvb light on my very first grow, had no clue yet, and they grew real...
  18. brasmith

    Do you think they are ready to harvest?

    360 dry grams.:peace:
  19. brasmith

    reoccuring bannanas from what was a stable mother?

    Those nanners are a sign that she is making a last ditch effort to get pregnant. I notice those on my girls late into flowering towards the end sometimes. Infact at times I have used those nanners as one of the signs for being ready for harvest. Are you thinking of throwing your monster momma...
  20. brasmith

    soiltabs worth it?

    You can plant them right down into your soil, has worked every time I've used this method. Those soil starter plugs are awsome! Once you wet them they swell and the seed goes right into the tiny hole and bam 1-3 days later sprouted with tap root comming from the mesh the plug is in. Then into...