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  1. brasmith

    HELP...out of nowhere problem!

    Be lookin forward to it Inspector G. Don't forget about us here waiting for you....we have 58 more posts to get this all turned around and back to full circle....
  2. brasmith

    HELP...out of nowhere problem!

    I know he's just stayin at work and shit:roll:
  3. brasmith

    HELP...out of nowhere problem!

    So are sayin your arms aren't long enough to reach your plants from your desk at work?? What's up with that Inspector Gadget? You know we need immidiate gratification here....and not deffered gratification. :roll::peace: I guess we'll just have to wait till you get home, damn ;)
  4. brasmith

    HELP...out of nowhere problem!

    Well with the way you move around this forum, I'd say the Ever Ready Bunny ;):peace:
  5. brasmith

    HELP...out of nowhere problem!

    # of posts has nothing to do with it, but reputation and success does. Certain members move around these threads and give excellent advice and never steer newbies in the wrong direction, those are the members I'm talkin about. The ones who have proven, by their success in growing, that they know...
  6. brasmith

    HELP...out of nowhere problem!

    Yep just water and don't be nervous. They actually need less food than you would think. I only feed mine about twice a month (if that) and they are green, healthy, and producing. Truely when it comes to giving them nutrients they will let you know when they are hungry, just like she's showing...
  7. brasmith

    HELP...out of nowhere problem!

    I'll concur with Mygirls and Mystic. That is a straight forward watering problem. The plant, other than the drooping, looks nice and green. If you continue to add nutes just about the time she looks like shes bouncing back those excess nutes are bound to burn the shit out of her. Then you'll be...
  8. brasmith

    Please help Sick plants

    So so true
  9. brasmith

    Please help Sick plants

    Funny our brains are on the same path right now:hug:
  10. brasmith

    Please help Sick plants

    This new batch you have going may not get the same issues and the batch you are close to harvesting. Are they also showing the same signs that they may be going that direction? If they are you need to get right on top of your ph. What is it? btw....what are they eating and the npk ratios?
  11. brasmith

    Please help Sick plants

    woops i repeated youkiss-ass:peace:
  12. brasmith

    Please help Sick plants

    When the palnts recieve enough co2 then they can handle more heat. WHen they grow outside in the desert or in 100 degree weather they have ample co2 to access. How's that?
  13. brasmith

    Please help Sick plants

    Your plants don't have mold, if they did there would be dark/gray areas in the buds, especially in the bigger ones. The mold generally starts at the main stem from inside the bud and works its way up, out and down the bud. Do you aee any discoloration in them? All those white crunchy leaves...
  14. brasmith

    NUte deficieny, fungus gnats, bad soil

    Not necessary to go to bigger pots, same size is good, but different soil. Your freind reccomends good stuff, go with his guidance. As long as there is someone who can help out in person, go with it. The soil mix your friend speaks of is a light airy soil mixture, which the plants always seem to...
  15. brasmith

    NUte deficieny, fungus gnats, bad soil

    How old are your plants? If they are still in veg I reccomend transplanting them into new/better soil. Even if they are in early flower you can still put them into new soil. The soil you are using now sounds like mud or dirt and that can hold in crap, not allow oxygen to the roots, and is awful...
  16. brasmith

    big headache

    If you give us some more details we may be able to help more What are they eating? NPK of the food? PH? A few weeks into flowering is a fairly prpular tiem to begin to see some issues. It happens because of the transition from veg to flower and how that transition requires a shift in nutrients.
  17. brasmith


    Have you checked your ph? If your ph is within normal ranges for soil growing (6.5-7.0) then feeding them your 8-0-0 and the bloom booster should turn them around. Your 8-0-0 food is just nitrogen and then when you add the bloom to your mix you should have a full npk value to feed your...
  18. brasmith

    A brown curse has fell upon my buds

    More details please..... what nutrients? npk ratio? how often do you feed? ph? Advice not harvest
  19. brasmith

    If someone could take a look at this, it'd really make my day

    She looks like a mature clone....see the node spacing and how it is staggered? Your find is lookin good. She'll probably start flowering soon.
  20. brasmith

    8 milliliters = 1.62307309 US teaspoons

    I saw the same thing you saw initially and actually started a post with the same breakdown, and I'm not baked, but should be, lol.