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  1. tomahawk2406


    they've fought in the middle east. i think its more of a muslim extremeist thing.
  2. tomahawk2406


    they may be chechen........ those dudes have tons of ties to the middle east terror groups.
  3. tomahawk2406


    lol tony hawk? how old are you 70? go fart dust out of your mouth somewhere else. you are literally embarrassing yourself. talking about skateboard and the state?
  4. tomahawk2406


    Hmmmm that sounds like a paranoid shit storm
  5. tomahawk2406


    Try to stay on topic douche bag. I know it stresses your little pea brain.
  6. tomahawk2406

    Is it Possible That the U.S. Government Staged the Boston Marathon Bombing?

    from a bombing in boston to the "fake holocaust." This board is just insane........
  7. tomahawk2406


    Whats rights will we lose deprave? Please enlighten us you fucking knucklehead
  8. tomahawk2406

    Is it Possible That the U.S. Government Staged the Boston Marathon Bombing?

    and with that comment, it seems you know that addiction pretty well.....
  9. tomahawk2406

    Baseball is back!

    i think you mean top 10.
  10. tomahawk2406

    Baseball is back!

    well shit, all those other issues were no brainers, but youk's attitude has always drove me fucking nuts. he's nothing but a cry baby bitch who's been throwing helmets when he grounds out since double A. to be honest with you i bet you any amount of money middlebrooks will have a better year...
  11. tomahawk2406

    Baseball is back!

    pretty much agree with everything you said except youk. i've wanted that clown off the team for YEARS. It's all up to that pitching staff..........
  12. tomahawk2406


    lol with knicks fans its the same shit different year. no offense......
  13. tomahawk2406

    MLB opening day! Who's excited!?

    so fucking pumped!!!! sox tickets are finally starting to fall off a bit. I finally can afford to fucking go now:)
  14. tomahawk2406

    EX-CIA Agents Home Raided Because They Bought Hydro Equipment From Local Store

    i grew weed before i ever had a garden. I can honestly say right now that the only things i have growing in my house are pepper plants.
  15. tomahawk2406

    Government LoopHoles:Steal This Book

    fishnaggy........ Im assuming your sister is "free"........ right?
  16. tomahawk2406

    Would you classify this as torture?

    No dickhead, when you fight back and spit on them you get the fucking horns. If you get a DUI I think you should be strapped down and pepper sprayed anyway. Guess what would of happened if the dude complied? Take your time, that question might burn you out.
  17. tomahawk2406

    Senator Rand Paul supports de-crim for Cannabis

    1.) theres are TONS of chinese joints that have whites working in them. 2.) the ones that don't know that if they hired whites, they would in turn, tell other whites what goes on in the kitchen and they would have no business.
  18. tomahawk2406

    Would you classify this as torture?

    yeah that sucked but fuck man, why would you let it get that far? You break the law, you get caught. act like a fucking man. take it. jail is still fucking jail not a "safe environment for criminals to act as they please." ............sure did change his fucking attitude though.
  19. tomahawk2406

    light question

    no a quick cellphone peek will not fuck them up