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  1. brasmith

    Single leafs instead of five leafs? WTF

    No they don't have to be chopped. Tie them down with string or something. At least let them continue flowering. Have you gone in your grow space with the plants and turned off the lights to see if there is a leak of light comming in?
  2. brasmith

    black spots on stems

    Mold/bud rot is a sneaky enemy. Take Smokey's advice and give a detailed inspection, yesterday.
  3. brasmith

    Single leafs instead of five leafs? WTF

    It does sound more like a light leaking issue, perhaps that was what I had going on as well my first grow. The Nova's N is fairly low, 4 I think. But at full dose it'd be 12 right? do npk values add that way? Makes sense to me anyways...... Hey Smokey, long time....
  4. brasmith

    Help please! Pics!

    The very first set of leaves die off naturally. There is nothing to be alarmed about.
  5. brasmith

    Single leafs instead of five leafs? WTF

    Are you using the Nova at full dose? 3 teaspoons per gallon of water? 1300-1500 ppm sounds like a full dose. I had the same result at full dose when I was using the Flora series. When I backed off to 1/2 the amount per gallon the issue backed off as well. The Nova is pretty hot for the...
  6. brasmith

    HELP please

    Okay smarty pants...but I think you are thinking of powdery mildew, not mold. Zoink, so salts can build up over time and waterings. It can come from the soil and from feedings. If the water you are using has a high alkiline or chlorine content it may be what is sitting on the top. I doubt...
  7. brasmith

    my leaves are hard as rocks???

    Those first leaves are supposed to be hard, they are supple with food for the young seedling. They always fall off after the plant is a week or 2 old, especially once they start getting their sets of true leaves. No worries they should be just fine. Give them time to get some true leaves. Good luck
  8. brasmith

    is this normal?

    the pic did not show up
  9. brasmith

    HELP please

    It looks like there is white powdery stuff (besides the perilite) accumulating on he top of your soil. Perhaps a salts build up, I've the issue before and looked just like yours do now. That will cause all sorts of issues ph, deficiancies, lockouts, and overdoses. You are on the right track with...
  10. brasmith

    Plant problem (pic)

    In a soil grow no nutes for the first 3-4 weeks is normal because a good soil will have what a young vegging plant requires. Hydro is different. Even though they are young they can't live on water alone after the first little fat leaves (catolyns?) are yellow. They are born with a small amount...
  11. brasmith

    How can I fix this!?! pics included

    I think he meant that he used lime in the soil. Not already been used, like a hand me down couch.
  12. brasmith

    Is it zinc or mag def?

    Good to hear. It can take a few more days to see the issue reverse, but once it gets back she'll take off. Hey thanks for the +rep.:peace:
  13. brasmith

    G13xHaze in Flower - My Unsolvable Problem. Check this thread out it opened my eyes to identical issues, the same one you are having. Too much P causes all sorts of confusion for the plant. I'd say flush good and start back with your basic...
  14. brasmith

    Cant figure out whats happening

    If the soil has already grown pot from veg through flower, then the soil is probably drained of anything that would resemble a vegging npk ratio, 3-1-2. If you did use that soil for flowering plants more than likely it still has a flowering npk ratio, 1-3-2. My guess the soil is exhausted.
  15. brasmith

    Quik fix for BAD PH issues in soil???

    It is not a good idea to switch them from one growing style to another and back again, sticking with your soil and working through the problem is your best bet. What soil are you using?
  16. brasmith

    nitrogen problem i belive

    any pictures?
  17. brasmith

    Is it zinc or mag def?

    The Scotts soil has very little npk value which is good for small vegging plants that do not need alot of food yet. Now that she is bigger she does need a veg formula to stay in a vegging mother mode. Dolomite lime is a ph buffer, so the soil will generally not go above a ph of 7.0. You could...
  18. brasmith

    Is it zinc or mag def?

    way better.....looks like a zinc issue, but zinc issues are rare. What do they eat? what soil are they in? are they flowering?
  19. brasmith

    Beyond Urgent - nute and water puzzle-unsolved mystery-help me-win a hooker

    Well I can't do much with a hooker, but I'd know what to do with an 1/8 :lol:. You have way more experience than I do as far as growing goes, but I have used GH products with my grows (5 under my belt, 1 hydro and 4 soil and switched to Advanced). There was always big issue at flower time...