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  1. SlightlyStoopid

    DIY CFLS reflectors

    haha dude... I used common house held supplies also... except for the mylar... poster board, zip-locks, spray adhesive, some power strips. thats all. total cost... about 10 bucks...
  2. SlightlyStoopid

    DIY CFLS reflectors

    thank you, this is all I wanted =D
  3. SlightlyStoopid

    Breaking up bud in grow room...?

    very true, but I really dont know many dealers that cure their buds before they sell em... and trully they only like half ass dry em...
  4. SlightlyStoopid

    Breaking up bud in grow room...?

    ya I know... haha I think im going to keep doing it tho... because I dont THINK it can happen, and if it does... ill have something to share with everyone... I mean, people say pollen is like lethal! like it can reach the female even if its outside the grow room AND outside your house...
  5. SlightlyStoopid

    DIY CFLS reflectors

    all im saying is, this is a fucked up system we got goin on here... he spent about... 20 minutes TOPS on that, I spent about 2-3 hours on mine if not more... and he gets reps haha
  6. SlightlyStoopid

    Breaking up bud in grow room...?

    so... I was breaking up some bud in my grow room today that I bought from the local umm... 711? haha but anyways, I was just wondering, is there any way I could pollenate my females just by simply breaking up pollinated buds in my grow room? I dont THINK so, it could very well be another...
  7. SlightlyStoopid

    should it smell yet?

    mine is starting to smell already and its only 3 weeks into vegging xD
  8. SlightlyStoopid

    Help. Is this Nitrogen Deficiency?

    hey bro, its 100% normal for the bottom leafs to go yellow and fall off, chill...
  9. SlightlyStoopid

    Should I Start Flowering

    busshier the better, means higher yeild, more budding sights =)
  10. SlightlyStoopid

    DIY CFLS reflectors

    thanks buddy =D it was mylar, yes it looks like tin foil but thats only because of how many lights there are and the spray adhesive under it started to like... come undone/make the mylar bubble.
  11. SlightlyStoopid

    3 weeks into grow, she smells!

    so, I have 4 plants going, all are bagseed, from 2 different bags... dont know which is which because I figured it was just bagseed anyways... who cares. But anyways... one of my plants, which just so happens to be the biggest plant... has been smelling like a skunk...Literally, for about a...
  12. SlightlyStoopid

    need a good feeding scheduel

    My plants are currently on their 3rd week. Im going to the hydro shop tomorrow to pick up some fox farm fertilizers. Anyone use these before? If so, can you please give me a good feeding scheduel? I only have enough money to buy the... I believe its... Grow Big(the one with the tomato on it)...
  13. SlightlyStoopid


    haha sorry bro... just thought it was funny and everyone would get a kick out of this.
  14. SlightlyStoopid


    haha I think thats what they used to bust down the door... hahaha
  15. SlightlyStoopid

    Lmfao! hahahaha
  16. SlightlyStoopid

    looking good?

    looks good, need more lights tho brah. might I suggest acouple of 40 watts on the sides...
  17. SlightlyStoopid

    Should I Start Flowering

    holy shit those are some big ass leafs... your plant doesnt look to healthy honestly, Id wait until it looks healthy before putting it into flowering. looks to be heat stress, whats the temp at the top of the plants?
  18. SlightlyStoopid

    The DEA is 30 seconds away from your home.

    damn... and I thought it was rough where I live now... paying 120 an ounce... god damn... what ever happened to weed being the cheapest drug there is? I mean shit I can get an eight of blow for about 40 bucks... guys... instead of throwing away any seeds you get... save them in a bag. Then, once...
  19. SlightlyStoopid

    my plants seemed to stop growing.

    topping and LST do the same thing, one is just High Stress, the other is Low Stress.
  20. SlightlyStoopid

    The DEA is 30 seconds away from your home.

    1 pound costs 5 grand where you live? I feel sorry for you... costs about 1-1.5grand in arizona...