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    Tent grow questions

    How will you get around the need to change out your resevoir for the DWC while scrogging?
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    LED Without LEDs -My First T5 Grow

    VHO = Very High Output. HO = High Output. HO fixtures are designed to run HO bulbs and get 5k lumens per bulb. VHO fixtures are designed to run VHO bulbs and get 7800 lumens per bulb by supplying more electricity to each bulb, sacrificing some effiency for more light output. You cannot put an HO...
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    LED Without LEDs -My First T5 Grow

    Momma sez no more feeding the troll kids. Just ignore it and the tantrum will eventually stop when there's no audience. *deep breath, boobie hug* Now, are well all better yet? Side note: okthanks2 I don't dislike you per se, but you aren't being constructive. As such you're on ignore for...
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    Please critique/comment on my plan for small personal medical grow. *kind of long*

    Ohh, side note has anyone got and tried using the dawn/dusk dimming timer on some of the nice refurbished reef tank fixtures? They're running about $10 more than the ones without the feature on ebay, I think if I can I'll spring for 'em and try one grow with and one without using that feature...
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    Please critique/comment on my plan for small personal medical grow. *kind of long*

    No offense taken by me Papaoscartango. I know that an HID setup would give me a better yield. But I have young stepdaughters that visit and are very observant, kids next door who are the same. Plus with the ambient heat issues in summer in my area HID is just too much headache for me at this...
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    LED Without LEDs -My First T5 Grow

    JUP-1360 Magnesium arsenate phosphor Mg5As2O11: Mn Red 660nm Available after searcing phosphor 660nm on yahoo. Now we know what ingredient our bulbs need, yes? Sorry if this was covered and I missed it. From second result in that yahoo search, :???: So, um, anyone have the...
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    Please critique/comment on my plan for small personal medical grow. *kind of long*

    Actually my plan was to try my hand at FIM and aim for a fairly horizontal canopy top. The Lemon Skunk's the faster grower so I'll probably only go out to 16 or so induced branches, once and then once more on each resulting branch from the first split if all goes well. If all doesn't go well...
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    Please critique/comment on my plan for small personal medical grow. *kind of long*

    I hope you guys helping me have imbibed when you read this: I'm so happy with this specific and money+time saving advice I'm doing my "happy chicken dance" in between typing. This involves a large curvy but not overly obese woman jumping and flapping her arms like a 4 year old. Enjoy that visual...
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    Please critique/comment on my plan for small personal medical grow. *kind of long*

    This is exactly what I needed someone to do, thank you!!! I hate shopping with a blinding burning passion. That tent size should still be great for an indica single grow trained short, no?
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    Club T5

    So I'm reallly really wanting to work some PAR bulbs into my upcoming first solo grow and so I searched for 'em on Yahoo. First website I go to is Quite helpfully, some folks have recommended and thus flagged all the "right" bulbs for us, it would seem. Helpful helpful...
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    Wow Read This!

    I can personally anectodally attest to this. When I was preggo with my twins (before we knew it was twins) I had basically terrifically bad morning sickness that lasted all day. I couldn't tolerate the narcotic derived prescriptions normally used so my midwife told it would be far better for...
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    Insomniacs Unite!!!!

    Hrm, that I honestly have no clue sorry. Be well finally ready for bed. And now that I'm medical I do pretty well. Just some acute insomnia episodes that don't last too long, thankfully. Thanks for the kind words, I work to try and get better too. Most days.
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    Alright Man Strangest Places You've Gotten High?

    The mesa where you see the scorpion? If so I can picture it and wow . . . must have been incredible. Oh and my own strangest place to toke was on the ass end of a big old fishing boat going out for cod long range off Mass in my teen years getting burned down on kindbud joints by the deckhands...
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    Insomniacs Unite!!!!

    Not come up with. Look into people who are not in anyway recreational smokers/users at all who would or could have benefitted tremendously, both to themselves and society, if cannabis use were decriminalized and/or compassionate medical use allowed. As an example I was molested from the time I...
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    Insomniacs Unite!!!!

    This is going to sound horrible, but find a case of a "normie" with a tearjerking story. Most medicinal use laws are named after tragic figures for a reason. Godesses forgive me for sounding like such a cold bitch. Oh, media involvement and the backing of anon $ helps too, for a good PR campaign...
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    Looking for name of bluegrass band.

    Love SCI, thanks for that time portal back to my freshman year of college! But not what I'm looking for. God I wish I could be more specific. This same friend promised me his 3 ft glass bong if he ever quit smoking because I was the only female to ever fill and clear it in one go. /flex...
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    Please critique/comment on my plan for small personal medical grow. *kind of long*

    Background: I am a medical cannabis patient licensed in the state of NM to both use and produce my own medicine. Being a cheapskate as well as having a therapist's strong recommendation to "play in the dirt more, gardening is extremely theraputic for PTSD and CPTSD" I've been poring over these...
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    Favorite beer or drink of choice?

    If I weren't on Effexor, it would be any kind/type/brand of meade I could get my grubby mitts on. :-(
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    Club T5

    Slight necro but *nerdgasm* Imma steal that pretty scrog box idea mmk? Cedar for natural pest control?
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    Insomniacs Unite!!!!

    Hello, chronic insomniac here, trying to wean myself off Vistaril and back on natural medicine only. Unfortunately my current supply isn't very sleep-inducing if very good. Although I will probably become unconcious eventually, cross eyed and drooling on myself, if I continute vaping this...