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  1. BustinScales510

    autos vs photo for cash crop

    If you are growing for cash Id back away from the autos. Growing in soil is fine but they take a little longer to get going and would benefit from some veg time.If you want the kinda numbers you are talking about,coco or rockwool might be better. 2 lbs a light is something to strive for,but...
  2. BustinScales510

    Which OG Seed Strain should I grow?

    Tahoe is good but it doesnt yield a whole lot, and to me the high is kinda fast. Rare Dankness has killer shit, Ive done the Ghost train #1 and Karma Bitch (skywalker og/trainwreck/nevilles haze), both really powerful sativa dom highs.
  3. BustinScales510

    Plant Too Big!!

    Whoa,what a mishap. I felt a jolt of anxiety just looking at that :). Dont know if there is much to be done other than hedging a foot or two off those trees and doing some aggressive pruning and tying on the rest. edit* It mainly looks like the one is the most out of control,the others will...
  4. BustinScales510

    How much does lbs of marjiuana go for where u live?

    Top shelf would be something that checks most or all of the boxes.It has to test fairly high (18% thc and up), its gotta be densely frosted with trichomes, firm decent size perfectly trimmed buds and a great smell. Its not necessarily dependent on strain,but how it stacks up, (because a good...
  5. BustinScales510

    OG Kush vs. Diablo OG what wins out in your grow room??

    There is a good grow journal on here of diablo og. The guy is in LA too I believe so probably same cut.
  6. BustinScales510

    Shroud of Turin

    Reputable could be subjective, I believe this article about the reproduction. The 1998 study they mention seems legit too, when three different labs (Oxford University,University of Arizona and Swiss Institute of Technology) all came up with 1260-1390...
  7. BustinScales510

    Ocean Grown

    No,salt air isnt good for the plants. As far as the cuttings, harborside in oakland has clones..usually good selection but quality can be hit or miss. Ive heard of a place called organicann that has clones,they are in santa rosa and have a location in oakland called oakland organics. I cant...
  8. BustinScales510

    How much does lbs of marjiuana go for where u live?

    The street weed isnt usually the same quality,the vast majority of high end goes to dispensaries because everyone has med cards. Weed that street dealers have around here usually wouldnt be bought by a dispensary.
  9. BustinScales510

    What's the worst strain and breeder you've dealt with?

    Oh no,not that bad. When I said regs I meant unimpressive mid grade, not shwag like crusty mexican brick weed. It was low potency and not frosty though..very dull with little odor. I had grown deep chunk before which is why I was excited to try that, but they just did not turn out well. There...
  10. BustinScales510

    Alphakronik Genes Seeds?

    Bummer, I bought 2 packs of those and was thinking about doing them sometime in the near future. I didnt see anything mentioned about them being smaller plants without much smell that lack what the breeder would call dank when I purchased them.
  11. BustinScales510

    Shroud of Turin

    I saw a show on nat geo or something where they did make a similar recreation. It wasnt exact because the shroud of turin has 700 years of carbon degradation as well. It involved using some sort of acidic substance that left the phantom image on it
  12. BustinScales510

    How much does lbs of marjiuana go for where u live?

    Im in the SF Bay Area, at the dispensaries it's $3400 for top shelf,$2600-$2800 for mids
  13. BustinScales510

    FIM vs Topping: Best for clones with alternating nodes?

    They look good. I top clones like that all the time. I've tried fimming too,not too much difference..with fimming I get a couple more nodes. When topping a plant with alternating nodes like on a clone,the top couple of nodes will eventually turn into the dominant ones,but when the nodes grow...
  14. BustinScales510

    What's the worst strain and breeder you've dealt with?

    The worst seeds I ever grew by far were from beanho (beanhoarder). I did a 20 pack each of blockhead x paki chitral kush, haze x deep chunk, and mango x ssh. The blockhead grew extremely slow,very small and stunted looking..wouldnt take nutrients without slowing down even further. Some of the...
  15. BustinScales510

    Why is it so hard to find hash in Houston?

    The penalties for hash in Tx are more severe than bud,I just looked on's insane. Any amount is a felony ( opposed to marijuana which is a misdemeanor under 4 ounces). 1-4 grams of hash = 2-10 years,over 4 grams can be up to a 20 year sentence!
  16. BustinScales510

    How to Sell/Distribute - An in-depth Guide

    Whats with all the people acting like dealing little ass bags of weed is some Scarface/New Jack City shit. Y'all building an empire on 8ths?
  17. BustinScales510

    sales laws

    Taking it to the clubs is best. Peddling on craigslist or budtrader to strangers leads to getting jacked. Even if you find someone solid to buy it..the price will have to be way lower than you would get at a club,because they would be assuming the reason that you are not selling it at a club is...
  18. BustinScales510

    What happens if water is left for a month in a tub ?

    If you are dying to use it you could put a few drops of bleach in it, a very small amount of bleach can clean a large amount of water. If it has been hovering around freezing like you said, there probably wasnt much bacterial growth in there anyways (unless it was a dirty ass barrel to begin...
  19. BustinScales510

    Plants getting way to close to light, and no room to raise it!

    If you havent started flowering yet you might be SOL,cause most plants at least double in height during the first 3 weeks of 12/12. You mentioned tying to the ceiling,I havent grown in a tent before but if I remember theres a bar going across the top. You could probably take the hood off the...
  20. BustinScales510

    Reputable clinics to vendor to

    Peeps dont like to give up their spot, its a lot easier to have someone share with you their shitlist than their paper route.