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  1. BustinScales510

    First Grow! Help from Pro's would be appreciated

    Sounds like youre on the right track. One thing I would watch for is dont let them get too big before switching to 12/12. It is common for newer growers to do that and end up with overcrowding and canopy issues.If I counted right you have 8 plants to flower under a 400,so they dont need to be...
  2. BustinScales510

    Who Would You Get Stoned With? Dead or Alive

    Who's the third? I know the first is john wayne gacy and Im guessing the second is ed gein.
  3. BustinScales510


    Did you just post that to see how many people would reply to a 4 year old thread? Because I almost did :)
  4. BustinScales510

    Ordered 3 Different Strains - Anyone Try These?

    I grew the super sour og (and emerald jack) from emerald triangle. I did regs, there were some herms with the ssog. The one decent pheno out of a ten pack smelled like sherbert it was really nice,but low yielding and not very potent bud. I culled the herms around week 4 so cant comment on them...
  5. BustinScales510

    Rare dankness/rd genetics

    Good, it is best to keep awesome genetics "hermetically" sealed from corrupting forces. That could be dissected with "hermeneutical" interpretation,I suppose. I'll leave the rest for "Hermione" to explain :)
  6. BustinScales510

    Rare dankness/rd genetics

    Check out the buffet, mofos!! :) I wont be able to start going through them untill I finish the Karma Bitch runs I just started but Im sure Ill find some keepers when I do.
  7. BustinScales510

    Plants getting way to close to light, and no room to raise it!

    No, it wasn't wrong. What you said isn't applicable to indoor growing at all. I've never seen a strain advertised that reaches a max height of 60cm, that's less than 2 ft, (maybe autos but those don't apply when talking about how long to veg for how much stretch). I do however see plenty of...
  8. BustinScales510

    Nor Cal/central cal - where to buy bulk high quality organic soil?

    Acapulco rock and soil is great,theyre in richmond. They have several different mixes including a good organic compost one. Ive gotten soil from them before,I had them deliver a cubic yard of the clod buster mix. Ill put a link to the their soil page Also,the waste management plant on davis st...
  9. BustinScales510

    I think flushing is a myth heres why

    Its actually true, for most mexi brick weed anyway. Its sprayed with fungicide and then put into a form and pressed into bricks,all while still pretty moist. Thats why its malleable enough to be compressed like that. I saw some show on nat geo or discovery or something where they filmed the process.
  10. BustinScales510

    Rational behind people getting upset - profit Growers?

    One of the insults thats usually hurled is that cash croppers dont have love for the plant, and that the end product will suffer because of it. I think thats some kung fu buddhist bullshit. The plant wants a stable environment + nutrients + lights,beyond that it doesnt care who is growing it or...
  11. BustinScales510

    Rare dankness/rd genetics

    I would be way down!!
  12. BustinScales510

    A message to anyone posting in this Room

    Yeah, because blocking insufferable dildos from giving shitty grow advice is just like the holocaust :)
  13. BustinScales510

    what kind of bugs do i have

    Any pesticides with spinosad work great for thrips too, its organic and doesnt stress or burn the plant
  14. BustinScales510

    600watt hood spacing

    Wow,6x6? Thats spreading it pretty thin. I know there are graphs that show the different squares of coverage,but I think anything beyond like 4x4 for a 600 watt falls into "supplemental lighting" category. When I used to use 600s I did them about 3 feet apart,measuring from the center of the bulbs.
  15. BustinScales510

    Would love some opinions

    Some seeds just suck. It wouldnt be deficency,if anything it might be a little burn from the soil mix,like if the young root tip went through a hunk of compost or something that was very nutrient rich.
  16. BustinScales510

    Any of you ever pay for therapy?

    Therapists dont/cant give drugs, only psychiatrists and other doctors can. To the OP, I went to therapy for a while and it was helpful. It can feel good to purge a lot of the bullshit and stress that you normally wouldnt want to air out to other people. Insurance normally covers it if you have...
  17. BustinScales510

    how should i go about keeping the IRS off my ass??

    The housing market crash started in 2007, nice try.
  18. BustinScales510

    Best Places For White People

    I just read a book about this, it was good.
  19. BustinScales510

    Light intensity versus yield during flower

    None of those plants look done,the leaves are still lush and green and the pistils on all the buds are still white and growing
  20. BustinScales510

    Experienced cloner please help

    No, thats plenty warm. I would imagine its the lack of humidity thats the issue than,and yeah just one bulb is fine because they need very little light before they have rooted. Mist them with water and mist the dome and cover them,hopefully they will perk back up. I can usually tell when its...