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  1. ru4r34l

    tent 400 watt hps

    4' x 4' tent for 400W is a good start, also a 440+ CFM fan with like rated filter would be ideal. regards,
  2. ru4r34l

    So you noobs are hooked on cannabis specific Bloom foods (aka snakeoil)..... eh?

    Nice plants, seen many pure sativas' like that as a youth, your absolutely right most bloom boosters marginally help, cost way more than they should, and has more marketing behind the product than horticulture research; but this can be extended to just about everything we (read humans) use for...
  3. ru4r34l

    Breeding plants

    You can use two clones from the same mother, or two different strains, it does not matter as long as you have pollen and a flowering female to fertilize. If you are using CS, The plant that is sprayed SHOULD NOT be harvested for bud; most people do not heed this warning and will spray only a...
  4. ru4r34l

    Breeding plants

    See my post here, I think I have all the info you will need, if not just ask. regards,
  5. ru4r34l

    Breeding plants

    Colloidal Silver, you can make it yourself for very cheap. There's lots of threads around here with members who have made and succesfully used CS to create male flowers on a feminized plant. I have a thread posted here where I make it, never updated the thread but I used the batch to turn a...
  6. ru4r34l

    Homemade EZ cloner not working

    Again I am all ears, but I have grown high count numbers, 60 clones in a 4' x 4' under perpetual for over 2 years now; I am pretty sure I know how it works. After rooting my clones spend at least 10 days (minimum) of veg before going into 12/12 flower room, trust me I have seen what is produced...
  7. ru4r34l

    PH drastic changes daily

    Rez temps between 60 - 65 will usually give best results. regards,
  8. ru4r34l

    How long from harvest do you wait before determining the 'dry' weight?

    But white light will, and sometimes I am in the room for a hour or so and the white light will reduce THC potency eventually; so I just keep the soft green bulb in, I have not had any issues before when there were soft whites but I get these green bulbs now and I can still work with these...
  9. ru4r34l

    How long from harvest do you wait before determining the 'dry' weight?

    It will all depend on your climate, my room sits at a cool 20 - 25 degrees and 50% - 55% relative humidity. after 1 week drying the stems can break and the bud feels almost too crispy to the touch, but when jarred they get a little moisture back. I jar and leave closed for 24 hours, then burp...
  10. ru4r34l

    Homemade EZ cloner not working

    I agree, don't toss them they will root just fine. You can change your water after each clone cycle or you may get some unwanted visitors with temps in the mid 70's or alternatively if you don't want to dump and refill after each cycle 2ml/L of H2O2 (food grade if available) will get rid of any...
  11. ru4r34l

    How long from harvest do you wait before determining the 'dry' weight?

    In the past I would weigh just before jarring, and then again after two to three weeks cure to see how much (if any) I was losing. After a few rounds I have mastered my drying room so I no longer weigh after curing only weigh before jarring and am usually right on (maybe lose 1 - 3 grams, for a...
  12. ru4r34l

    I found some seeds i want from DNA GENETICS, they wont ship to me

    CC hacking and identity theft is not new, and does not discrimanate. You really cannot blame Attitude for this as it can easily occur at the grocery, hardware, clothing, and/or the corner store. Your best bet is to have CC insurance (yes I know paying for another insurance sucks) but if you...
  13. ru4r34l

    2x2x5'3 400w cooltube, Only 2 fans? will this work? drew picture

    Put your filter in your grow tent (preferably at the highest point) and place your muffler after the fan, you'll get better use pulling air through your filter than pushing. With a 440 fan you may have temps creep up past 82 depending on your daytime temps and when you run your lamps, but...
  14. ru4r34l

    Homemade EZ cloner not working

    Can I join the pissing contest.. No need for a dome, No need for an air stone, No need for rooting hormone, but this can be overlooked What you must have is water warmer than 65 degrees.. I have tried every method posted in the last 5 or 6 pages and like kpmarine, all worked and provided...
  15. ru4r34l

    Baggie Sizes

    It's not your product or brand, your Just getting a good price and reselling; don't worry about baggies. No one gives a shit what you bag it in, you're wasting, time, and energy; go out go the grocery store and get the cheapest bags available. Does sound like a plan fuelled from a weekend of...
  16. ru4r34l

    What's next for ru4r34l

    Never used them myself, but know of some growers who buy from there storefront. I have a really good friend who lives out that way, I checked their website and prices are competitive for here in Canada especially since VSB seems to be out of stock on everything. :roll: regards,
  17. ru4r34l

    PH down killing my harvest?

    It's funny how you mention this (highlighted above in red), but many USA agriculture providers who claim 100% Organic really are not, most professional farmers cannot completely meet the guidelines set out by NOP, If you read the NOP Title 7 Subpart C 205.102 there are 9 requirements specified...
  18. ru4r34l

    What's next for ru4r34l

    I use to buy regs in 5 and 10 packs but now single feminized and have not had an issue yet, actually got an Emerald Triangle Feminized Bubba76 that was a straight up dude. I figure if one doesn't pop or it's a male it was not meant to be, I'll just move on and try something else. I barely have...
  19. ru4r34l

    What's next for ru4r34l

    Package arrived on Wednesday October 3rd, everything intact and looking good. Thanks to the Attitude, delivery arrived to Western Canada within 14 days. Here's the pics And here is what I have to run for the year regards,
  20. ru4r34l

    ru4r34ls' 4 Strain 4 x 4 SCRoG

    High All, Well I am sorry I was not able to keep up on this grow, but here are the final details. I had a new friend/patient tending to this grow since inducing flowering, and they are just learning about hydro and growing MJ for that matter; 4 plants vegging for almost 6+ weeks and flowered...