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  1. ru4r34l

    ppm measurement: total, or adding source water ppms?

    Trust me when I tell you the copper and lead in your pipes and solder joints are not leaching anything into the water your feeding your plants, and if it was the case how have you been living in your home for (I would guess at least 19 years, as that is the age limit here :shock:) you would have...
  2. ru4r34l

    help on my ec level?

    It really depends on the manufacturer of your meter, 2 EC converted to PPM for the following meters: Hanna = 1000PPM Eutech = 1280 PPM Truncheon = 1400PPM regards,
  3. ru4r34l

    What am I doing wrong with Rockwool?

    Nothing wrong with rockwool, obviously the OP has some issues but I dont think the rockwool is the issue. I would also suspect that there is an underlying problem; could be temperature, and whatever it is if not fixed will kill the others whether placed in jiffy cubes, rockwool or soil. regards,
  4. ru4r34l

    Advanced nutrients question

    Hate on Canada all you want, AN for life.. I will preach it again and again, ALL companies are out to make a buck and if you think your specific brand of nutes (or anything else for that matter) is not overpriced, over marketed and under researched your kidding yourself. I use AN, because it...
  5. ru4r34l

    3,1 pound plants

    He he, most people do not realize this. I become a grumpy bastard around trimming time, I moved from bi-weekly perpetual harvest to monthly and by the third week of the month I start to get anxious and cannot sleep; not because I am excited to harvest, but I know how much work is involved. very...
  6. ru4r34l

    ppm measurement: total, or adding source water ppms?

    Your way off base here, RO water is missing many micro nutrients that ALL organic life require. Tap water and/or rain water is quite acceptable for growing herbs, as for drinking ALL government provided tap water is tested and regulated for human consumption, regardless of taste. Take your...
  7. ru4r34l

    Trump is a self aggrandizing idiot

    F 4 times in corporate bankruptcy and close to personal bankruptcy I wonder who is really putting the 5 million up? regards,
  8. ru4r34l

    Clone question

    Agreed, do not clone from flower. It will be much longer than 2 week to get het back info active veg. In your veg tent you should have clones and mothers (clones ready to provide future clones), start yourself on à monthly perpetual harvest. regards,
  9. ru4r34l

    12 out of 12 Females??!!

    If they were all from different bags then the probability of females is the same for each of the twelve seeds, 50% regards,
  10. ru4r34l

    When to put in jars?

    Once jarred the buds are dry to the touch on the outside but have water content inside the bud, when jarred the moisture is released from the inside of the bud to the outside making the bud feel moist again. BURPING is when you open the jar so that the moisture can be evaporated from the jar...
  11. ru4r34l

    TALK ABOUT HORROR! STORIES!!!! Almost shit my pants

    You must have left them girls for some time, because rockwoll holds water like no other medium; except soil. Plants in rockwoll can be watered almost like soil (once every 24 - 36) hours événements under 1000W lamp. At least the ladies are perky gain. regards,
  12. ru4r34l

    hydroponic HELP

    Pebbles? regards,
  13. ru4r34l

    My Advanced Nutrients Organic Feed Schedule. ENJOY

    I love AN products as much as the next person, but this is overkill for happy healthy plants; but it's your money and id your happy with the cost vs harvest continue on but I bet you can shorten up that shopping list and harvest same quantity and quality. Try a side by side grow and see for...
  14. ru4r34l

    my plants have 3maybe 4 weeks left of flowering and now look unhappy

    with 4 weeks left YES! regards,
  15. ru4r34l

    Humboldt Nutes...Grow,Bloom,Micro?..Opinions

    care to give the name of the more compete and better products for less money? regards,
  16. ru4r34l

    Delicious Seeds Cotton Candy - UNREAL STRAIN (Pics)

    LOL, Just going to toss them out. So you would readily trash these genetics if someone says its not as good as whats available in your area. Are you a dealer? regards,
  17. ru4r34l

    Where to buy a small cloner???

    Taking cuttings from flowering plants is highly discouraged, the clones will take at least twice as long to drop roots and then take at least 2 -3 weeks before they start producing five fingered leaves; during this time they really are not vegging or dropping more roots they are just confused...
  18. ru4r34l

    Duff brownies

    here is the answer to your question, also here, and here Have a read through as there are good links contained within! regards,
  19. ru4r34l

    Breeding plants

    You are right there is no evidence I have found that indicates selfing produces a higher percentage of hermis, I have selfed a few times and have never harvested seeds so I have no first-hand experience. regards,
  20. ru4r34l

    So you noobs are hooked on cannabis specific Bloom foods (aka snakeoil)..... eh?

    Almost like those in society who choose an iPhone (or any Apple product for that matter), as I said it really depends on an individuals own circumstances. My 2 year old Samsung can do everything an iphone can! Maybe I should start a thread titled, "So you noobs are hooked on Apple specfic...