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  1. M

    Tweed Greenhouse / Farm Approved

    gb123 seems to run on only one mode, make everything negative
  2. M

    Update for Thunderbird Biomedical

    So here is what Thunderbird has as an update lol
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    Something smells fishy at Tilray

    How the hell can they still even bring in outside weed? Is Health Canada just turning a blind eye towards this or what, it's totally against regulations
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    My First Experience With an LP: Canna Farms

    haha pre-packaging is definitely not part of the regulation never heard that from any other LP's, they're trying to con everyone into spending more to get rid of their garbage stockpile. it seems there is not even one good choice to make as far as LP's currently shipping, ppl sayin tilrays...
  5. M

    Something smells fishy at Tilray

    i await reviews of their new actual product with bated breath
  6. M


    Sounds like bullshit? It's a link to a government page lol go fuck yourself
  7. M

    Directory Of Canadian LPs

    You say that as though it makes it automatically valuable or something haha. Not dissing you or anything, but ya'll played yourselves
  8. M


    Taken from: "Issue: Marihuana-infused products should be allowed under the MMPR Some potential licence producers expressed their dissatisfaction with the fact that under the proposed MMPR, marihuana will be...
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    MMPR Licensed Producer Thread

    Lol it's getting legalized one way or another, the bigger LP's are probably cashed up enough to wait for that to happen. And either way, the MMPR won't get scrapped completely.. at most, they'll make a hybrid where the MMPR exists as is for people that want to buy it (yes, they exist and many...
  10. M

    MMPR Licensed Producer Thread

    lol gb123 you should stop with your incessant putting down of everything. there are tons and tons of businesses that are fair and do well for themselves. in fact, i will go a step further and say that if you want to do well long-term as a business, you better be treating your customers fairly or...
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    MMPR Licensed Producer Thread

    Anybody spoken to Aphria as an LP? They have a pretty cool greenhouse system running, I wonder what their prices are gonna be.
  12. M

    another thread locked

    haha whats going on, i used to lurk here a bunch but shits hitting the fan now
  13. M

    Which LP's provide ID cards? Are they even valid proof?

    I thought the only proof currently is the sticker on your bottle, so are the ID things sent by some LP's valid? My friend signed up with Peace Naturals and got one
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    New York Times

    cool story bro
  15. M


    Wow, expected a bit more from the trim
  16. M


    haha didn't catch the posts above yours so i wasn't in on the joke lol
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    lol $5/gram is still awful, some LP's are selling it for less than 4 bucks atleast
  18. M


    i think that's just wrong wording, they meant to say before they shipped, not opened. they got their license a while back. they are shipping to people on their waitlist starting end of this month, says clearly in the article “We’ve cultivated our first crop about two weeks ago and it’s...
  19. M

    Mettrum selling trim

    They don't really say smoke, on their website they discuss alternate routes of administration such as vaporizing and edibles. They DO however, say outright that patients are not allowed to produce their own oils, resins, hash etc, but it doesn't say they can't possess it.. that leads to the...