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  1. M

    Colorado, taxes, and the BM

    yeah that's what i'm saying, when I read it was 60% i'm like uhh that's already majority of the market you have there lol
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    CP busted in Vancouver

    asking to be busted lol, what do they expect? this wasn't a CC, it was a walk-in drug dealer haha. least you can do is not be sloppy to make the rest of the CC's look bad
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    Health Canada Information Sheet with First Order

    lmao also i remember reading something like indicated side effects may be drowsiness or euphoria and to stop if you experience them lol
  4. M

    OrganiGram Passes Product Testing and Ships Medical Marijuana to Customers

    i dunno i always found sativa's amp me up and aren't good for anxiety but everyone's wired differently. i did not talk up anyone's bud, i was just pointing out that numbers don't tell the whole story aka don't knock it till you've tried it, of course 13% thc aint 20% thc and if for you as a...
  5. M

    OrganiGram Passes Product Testing and Ships Medical Marijuana to Customers

    yeah as far as i know these regulations are quite arbitrarily stringent and it IS the first time medical marijuana is being put through such testing.. whether it's all required or not is besides the question, but lots of the 13 seem to be destroying their crop or irradiating to pass tests...
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    OrganiGram Passes Product Testing and Ships Medical Marijuana to Customers

    not sure of the genetics of mongolian, but i wouldn't really use "higher thc is better" as a solid rule of thumb. i think strains like afghan or PK (from tilray) and possibly mongolian cap out at <15% thc yet provide good effects... then again i don't have personal experience with that strain. i...
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    Places to medicate

    vapor central is awesome, love their live feeds
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    How many mmar patients are actually left

    i suppose if you have your docs forms filled out, but you are not registered with any LP you can probably get out of trouble saying you don't have proper access to your medicine with any LP so you cant register although you are allowed ur exemption
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    yepp, that sounds like the plan of many people i've talked to
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    OrganiGram Passes Product Testing and Ships Medical Marijuana to Customers

    I wonder if anyone here is on the list for their first shipment of Mongolian. MONCTON, NEW BRUNSWICK--(Marketwired - Sept. 2, 2014) - OrganiGram...
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    My First Experience With an LP: Canna Farms

    I thought that LP's are obliged to tell customers if they irradiate any of the batches shipped out?
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    Getting rid of Harper in 2015

    fuck harper he better be sent packing, i can't take another winter and another 4 years with that McFuck. look at that smug bastards face
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    Fuck Tilray

    lets blast em
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    My First Experience With an LP: Canna Farms

    That kootenay looks nice, that's how all nugs they ship out should look! What % THC did it say on your batch?
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    quite a lot looks shaky and leafy to be honest, but here's the golden question HOW DOES IT SMOKE??
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    kind of misleading i guess, so what does the average price work out to per gram for the full 150g?
  17. M

    OrganiGram Completes $7.5 million Financing and Commences trading August 25th under the symbol OGI Canadian medical marijuana producer OrganiGram Inc. is set to go public on Monday, its chief executive said, the second such firm to list on the venture exchange next...
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    My First Experience With an LP: Canna Farms

    i find it HILARIOUSLY outrageous that in small writing below their THC/CBD percentages, they've written +- 3% hahahahaa, what kind of accuracy is that? So basically whatever THC they've listed, subtract 3% to get the real number.. Riddler 7% THC Kootenay Star 7% THC Recon 5% THC Rockstar 9% THC...