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    The Start of a Attic Grow Room

    heres what i got done today , built walls and plywooded them, wanted to use solar ply but they didnt have any in stock so i plan on using mylar on the walls. AC should be up and running in a few days ill keep posting pics for everyone interested in the room . I might have to slow up a little due...
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    The Start of a Attic Grow Room

    Thanks Hwy420 .The foam will really cut down on the heat up there . It turns ur attic into a airconditioned space. i plan on using a 1000mh/hps light with a light mover.I currently am growing doing a hydro set up (ebb n flow) but up there i plan on doing smaller plants in soil. Ive always had...
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    The Start of a Attic Grow Room

    If you look in the pics u will see a broom in there ,i put it in there to give a height reference, the foam has turned my attic into and airconditioned area, the foam not only acts as insulation but it totally seals up the that its foamed my attic will stay about 10 degrees hotter...
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    The Start of a Attic Grow Room

    Well what do you guys think, i wish i would of taken some pics before i built the floor and sprayed the rafters with foam. Originally attic had 2 feet of blown in insulation that i had to remove. Then there were about 100 wires and some pipes going across ceiling joist .Soi built up on top of...
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    spider mite problems

    samsquanch i was just kidding with this dude, i know who he is , i told him to join RIU to help solve his probs with spidermites, i called him today and told him i was going to bust his balls over the internet, so i did, he still a dork though for keepin his space unkempt all the time, he said...
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    spider mite problems

    this dude is such a douchebag, he leaves his room dirty and then wants to cry to everyone about spidermites . Hes lucky i dont kick his ass
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    Flowering, how long before sex is noticable

    it seems like they should of shown their sex by now. what strain is it? Sounds like its more sativa than indica
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    make sure ur soil is somewhat dry before u transplant (it will help keep the soil around roots) then just take razor knife cut the dixie cup down both sides gently remove and then transplant like Nowitall says
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    how long?

    u need to get him out of there now. If u wait ur going to end up with a seeded crop its really not worth it
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    Help with foxfarm nutes

    i used fox farms on all my soil grows and i always started off with 1/4 strength during veg and worked up to full strength if plant could handle it .then when i went into flower id start off with 1/2 strength and took it to full. All plants react a little different to the nutes some can take...
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    help problem with seedling +rep for answers

    if u could give us a little more detail or a picture is worth a thousand words, it might be getting to much water
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    Rippers...... Unmasked

    dude looks like a child molester
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    stolen seedling any tips?

    if u keep it up u will end up in prison and then ur ass cherry will get stolen oh my bad it was probably stolen by ur dad and grandpa my bad again its not stealing if u give it away.
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    Big MISTAKE with light schedule

    They have been getting a total of 14 hrs a day of light, the light comes on at 5am and turns off at 5pm but the lights turn back on at 12am-2am disrupting the dark period. I always check to see if lights r out right after 5 pm and when i get up in the morning the lights are coming back on . I...
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    Big MISTAKE with light schedule

    About 1 1/2 weeks ago i realized the buds on my 6 plants had come to a halt , they stopped pretty much growing or gaining any real girth, didnt really know why but i figured they might just blowup the last 4 weeks (Currently im in day 31 of flower) i didnt know what it was but today after i...
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    New medical marijuana policy

    looks like Obama's administration Finally did something right for a change
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    HARVEST TIME!!! ( pics) !!!

    no need to explain u did what u wanted , who gives a shit what everyone else thinks they aint goin to be smokin it, everyone always thinks they have a better way .Buds look tasty
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    How much room do I actually need? USING 1 ROOM ONLY!

    Not tryin to be a dick but u need to do a little research before u ask someone else to spend 30 minutes typing out and setting up YOUR grow area for you, i guarantee if you look hard enough on RIU you will find what ur lookin for, but thats going to take a little effort on ur part, Good Luck
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    can you plant seeds immediatly after picking?

    I read somewhere about fresh seeds to but cant remember exactly why u dont want to plant right away. Wait at least 2-3 weeks and store them in a nice dry place until ur ready to plant, however i do remeber reading that u will have better luck with seeds that arent so new.
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    pullin out my hair

    your best bet is to abandon this thread and pray to the ganja gods for forgiveness. You took something that didnt belong to you, if it was potted and there were other pots there that should of told you to leave it alone, that was someone elses to take not urs, you made a bad decision . Next time...