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    H2929 Massachusetts Legalization Bill PUBLIC HEARING

    Johnny u did what everyone needs to do u went out and helped with legalizing mj, the more states that legalize it even if just for medical use the easier its going to be. Right now i live in Florida and theres a petition to get mmj on ballot for 2010 but it probably isnt going to happen . We...
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    7 days and still no sprout showing :(

    on occasion lol
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    7 days and still no sprout showing :(

    no just stating facts
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    7 days and still no sprout showing :(

    ;' The plant knows which way to grow because god made that part of the process of germination, and it has to do with gravity , as the seed starts to break down the starches stored inside and turn them into sugars the taproot shoots down and the shell goes upward.ive personally never heard of...
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    7 days and still no sprout showing :(

    40 degrees definitely not good closer to 81 is alot better Warmth and wet is what they need, its not lookin to good for u bro
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    7 days and still no sprout showing :(

    The seedlings only need light once they are through the grow medium .
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    about how much should you water ur seedling

    its hard for me to say because ive never used MG soil and i dont want to steer u in the wrong direction, but if it were me i would go to Lowes?home Depot and look for plain soil or seedling starter soil (which i know they both carry) and CAREFULLY put seeds in that . U might want to wait for...
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    7 days and still no sprout showing :(

    supafreak its a matter of preference .Im sure some people use them and swear by them and others dont .I personally use rapid rooter plugs and have had great success with them . Like i said make sure the seed stays warm and moist at this point u dont want to overwater because if u do they will...
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    about how much should you water ur seedling

    yes any nutes especially right now is going to be a BIG problem .The seedlings have everything they need to grow (god put it there for them we have nothing to add at this point). Are u using MG soil or Mg mixed with water. I always use just plain soil in the beginning no added time released...
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    7 days and still no sprout showing :(

    when u say its been kind of cool in ur room how cold is it . Remember seeds need a Warm wet medium to grow, if its to cold they will sit stagnant in the medium. Seeds when germinated look for light so once through ur medium they need light, if u have lights on now make sure ungerminated seed is...
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    about how much should you water ur seedling

    miggy420 u want to keep them wet but dont overwater. What i do is water just enough around the seedling to keep nice and moist, i dont drench the whole grow medium i only water when soil is close to dry . U also dont want to let soil dry out now because ur babies roots might dry out and that...
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    Has anyone ever used OVERDRIVE by Advanced Nutrients?

    I was wondering if uncle ben was coming to the party, read his post u might think twice about spending 100's of dollars every month or so on all the AN products, he knows whats up. However if u like AN products and dont mind spendin ur benjamins im all for it, if its workin dont fix it, and for...
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    Florida Initiatives - We Need Your Support

    go to and look up ur local chapter, they will tell u what to do and how to help.
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    H2929 Massachusetts Legalization Bill PUBLIC HEARING

    i agree with you greenearth, mj users in large part are completely lazy. They want to sit back and do absolutely nothing but bitch and moan about mj and the current laws, this nation was built not by watchers but by doers. people that stood up for what they believe in. now isnt the time to just...
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    pullin out my hair

    if it was already in a pot its called kidnapping and its not taken lightly at RIU, alot of outdoor growers on this site have been ripped off. Did u just rip her out of the ground or was she potted ?
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    Help save my plants from imminent death! +rep

    nice comeback zorro , they really took a beating in the beginning and with enough tlc you brought them back. Its always nice when u see ur babies pull through. Its hard but in the beginning i never nute until the 4th set of leaves .Seedlings have everything they need up to that point. Good...
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    plant only 4 inches tall and already flowering

    put it back under lights 18/6 a day, u can still salvage her
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    9 oclock that means lights on. whats this BALLs! female seed im pissed

    i just went through all of this shit on another post, im so glad it aint me arguing this time (wheres laserbrn when u need him)
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    SHIT! Need Help...

    dont top her take and carefully bend branches down using garden wire, i know its been suggested already but everyday take and tie her down a little more , im in a ebb n flow to and thats what i had to do
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    MH to Fluoro +rep

    Bourbon i just noticed the speed square r u a carpenter