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  1. herbose

    how much does it cost to run a 240 cfm exhaust???

    Multiply the watts x number of hours, divide x 1000. Multiply x cost/kwh= cost.
  2. herbose

    24 hour light cycle to 18/6??

    Yes, of course, that's how it's usually done, seeds or clones started in 24/0 then switched to 18/6 when they're established.
  3. herbose

    storing leafs +rep

    If you don't have a ton you can vacuum pack and freeze. They'll last even longer.
  4. herbose

    New and eager to learn

    FAQ.....FAQ.....FAQ! Can't emphasize that too much. Welcome.
  5. herbose

    storing leafs +rep

    If they're very dry they should last a long time in the freezer, I'm thinking 6 mo to a year.
  6. herbose

    is it ok too transplant during flower??+++rep

    Depends on how big they are. I don't think there's much root growth during flower so it may not help to transplant. Anyone know about root growth in flower?
  7. herbose

    is it ok too transplant during flower??+++rep

    Sure, as long as you don't disturb the soil and root ball. Be very gentle or you'll set it back A couple of weeks.
  8. herbose

    Sexing a plant.

    Here's what I'm seeing that looks like a stalk. Looks like pistils behind it but I can't tell for sure.
  9. herbose

    Sexing a plant.

    Early pollen sacks are on stalks, flowers never. Unless you want to make seeds get rid of it if you have other female plants. If not grow it out and you will get seeded weed which can be very good. However, some of the pollen will remain in your grow room and may have an effect on future grows.
  10. herbose

    Sexing a plant.

    #1 looks like a male. Preflowers and pollen sacks can show up in veg. #2 has a pollen sack, can't tell for sure what's behind it.
  11. herbose

    leaves curling down on sides... little help?

    Another link:
  12. herbose

    iS ThERE A CURE F0R THiS..

    I have the same problem on some lower leaves, the new leaves are coming in fine and there's about 7 nodes above the problem leaves, I just stopped worrying about it. If your new leaves show the same problem check here...
  13. herbose

    hey i am stoned is there a chat here?

    I was thinking....he must be REALLY stoned if he can't find chat.:lol:
  14. herbose

    i love salt and alcohal

    Tried it for the first time last weekend, works amazingly well. I started using it to clean resin off my hands, works great for that too.
  15. herbose

    what is this? can it be showing already?

    That's definitely a male, sorrry.
  16. herbose

    Power outage and cycle of plant

    Lights out during light period will have no noticeable effect on your plants. Lights on during dark that's another story. I would start up at the usual time, you probably have a good reason for starting at 7pm, like heat.
  17. herbose

    my tape water ec is too high

    70 ppm is not bad. If it bothers you get an RO filter. I have one but went back to using tap water at 170ppm because I get better results with it.
  18. herbose

    Brown Spots On Young Leaves

    Check the pictures here, looks like a possible boron def:
  19. herbose

    Flowering Light/Dark Stress- Help!

    A dark period during the ususal light period won't hurt your plants. The other way around will have an effect.
  20. herbose

    First female?

    That's happened to me, I don't know why. I know they were't autoflower strains. The plants grew big and the flowers stayed small til they were on 12/12. Then they grew at a normal rate. Everything turned out fine.