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  1. NickNasty

    The Best Deals Thread. Post Best Deals And Lowest Prices Links

    That is not a bad deal for everything that you get with it. It's a good starter kit and you can always upgrade certain things down the line.:peace:
  2. NickNasty

    Budder alot of ppl should learn the true meanin of gettin baked

    Do you mind making this a how to thread? It would be great to learn how to make it.
  3. NickNasty

    Reservoir Drain, where to find one? How do you drain?

    I dont do hydro but couldn't you just use your water pump that is in the res to pump out your water?
  4. NickNasty

    Smart Pots: Good or Not?

    I am using moonshine mix right now its similar to what your talking about and my plants seem to love it although I still use fertilizers later in the grow because I am only using 2 gallon pots. Anyways check it out, here is a link to a thread all about it.:blsmoke...
  5. NickNasty

    The Best Deals Thread. Post Best Deals And Lowest Prices Links

    It sucks they don't have all their products online but they have the cheapest tarp zip-ups I have ever seen they are only 2.65$ I don't think they even that cheap wholesalebongsmilie
  6. NickNasty

    Attitude X-Mas Special ? What Time !!

    I have seen a lot of twins lately, Subcools seeds produce twins pretty often. Most of the time one does much better than the other but its always nice to see them.:peace:
  7. NickNasty

    The TGA Growers Club

    Its good to see someone doing Agent Orange I am thinking about getting it at some point. Also out of the 10 Jilly Beans I planted 8 were female so I am hoping to get at least one of each pheno. And am going to use 1 of the males to pollinate some OG#18's , Kushberry's, and Madonna's
  8. NickNasty

    What should I use to clean my cloner with?

    So I have a cloner than Im taking out of storage to use and it smells slightly mildewy. So I need to know how to clean it. Normally when I am cloning and need to clean it I just change the water and give it a good rinse and add some H2O2 to it and let it run for the night before I put anymore...
  9. NickNasty

    Reservoir Seeds - One cool company

    I have looked there but they say they don't ship to the US. < do they say that just for legal reasons or is it true? But they do say "American customers are encouraged to email [email protected] - the Vancouver Seed Bank does not mail to the United States" so maybe they ship them through...
  10. NickNasty

    Reservoir Seeds - One cool company

    Off the subject of rez but I noticed you mentioned cash crop ken , By chance do you know where to get his seeds from in the US? I have looked for them everywhere and can't seem to find a place that sells them and ships to the US any info would be great :peace:
  11. NickNasty

    Open Thread for Attitude Xmas DNA/skunk Beans

    Well I have all the xmas freebies going and out of the 5 strains I have had 1-2 females per strain out of the 3 seeds they gave of each strain. I am not in flowering yet so no idea on if any will hermie. I would assume that they will have a lot of similar traits as there mothers so I would look...
  12. NickNasty

    Open Thread for Attitude Xmas DNA/skunk Beans

    No attitude is incorrect Plus do you really think attitude would be the only company to have them if it was the winner?
  13. NickNasty

    Open Thread for Attitude Xmas DNA/skunk Beans

    OG18 won not OG18 X Skunk
  14. NickNasty

    Elephant Bud

    Perlite is hard and porous and holds a lot of air Vermiculite is kind of soft and spongy and retains a good amount of water You use perlite to add air to your medium and vermiculite to add water retention to your medium and yes you can get them both at your local hydro store Here are a couple...
  15. NickNasty

    Elephant Bud

    What your talking about are hempy buckets. And they don't really produce more than any other method but they are pretty easy to maintain if you know what your plants need when they need it because you are supplying all the nutes as needed . BTW If you go this route I would use a...
  16. NickNasty

    DNA Genetics Sleestack x Skunk Grow

    Thanks for the link, I'm growing Pineapple Express right now along with about 20 other strains including the attitude freebies just haven't got off my ass to start a journal yet but probably will once I take clones from everything and throw them in flower which I will be doing shortly. Anyways...
  17. NickNasty

    DNA Genetics Sleestack x Skunk Grow

    Got a link Pineapple Express grow?
  18. NickNasty

    The best odor control ever!!! I bet my rep on it!

    Nobody knows what brand of mister will work with this spray?
  19. NickNasty


    PM Means private message but you need to have enough posts to not be a stranger anymore to get private messages so I would write a few more posts around this forum so you can get them.
  20. NickNasty

    DNA Genetics Sleestack x Skunk Grow

    Mine are still in veg but they stink as should be expected with a good skunk cross:leaf: