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  1. amnooneoo

    Lilipop Container

    i'd like to be in the 1-2' range, thanks for your input. what would a cup produce? i could fit several of those, I will have 1-2 monstercrop clones for mothers.
  2. amnooneoo

    Lilipop Container

    Hey stoners, What size pots should be used for a lolipop grow?
  3. amnooneoo

    What the Deuce? HELP!

    looks like light burn to me.
  4. amnooneoo

    freezer grow cooling question

    dont do that!!! talk about a fire hazzard, that will make it run VERY VERY HOT, the compressor will be working 3X harder, using 3X more power, making 3X more heat. Do u see where this leads??
  5. amnooneoo

    Need advice timer malfunction / 2 weeks into flower

    get a new timer and smoke a bowl, whatever order you like.
  6. amnooneoo

    closet grow, vetalation help needed

    I would say if you can run the exhaust a good distance from the intake, it would be ok.
  7. amnooneoo

    check out my box(pics)

    Looks bad-ass dude, but if all of those pics are current, you have a while to go. But damn, that plant is niiiice, good job dude.
  8. amnooneoo

    working refridge.. as grow box..

    I think with proper air flow it would work great, but i agree with assasin, you may wind up turning it off due to humidity. Only a trial run will tell, please let us know what works!! Thanks man!! Good Luck!!
  9. amnooneoo

    freezer grow cooling question

    I agree, your temps will be +5-10 degrees than your intake, with good flow. I would run a new trunk line off your central air and pop it in there or get a small AC, those are your options. Running an AC to grow weed is retarded if you ask me, unless your really getting into it. 1 window unit is...
  10. amnooneoo a malware site? (firefox warning)

    either way they need to fix it. Im not gonna click that BS all the time, like many others. They know that, CMON RIU!! I dont like the other sites!! LoL
  11. amnooneoo

    freezer grow cooling question

    I guess an idiot would say turn on the freezer, or fix the cooling unit.
  12. amnooneoo

    working refridge.. as grow box..

    Subbed, lets see it dude, This is what i want to do. Cant wait!!!!
  13. amnooneoo

    Need help with 250w perpetual harvest fridge

    If u can use black pipe, just put a 90 on the outside part and have a straight stub-in. That should do it. Read within, sorry did it wrong..........
  14. amnooneoo

    Heat in a 150w hps vs 250w

    Well, going from 8-CFL to a 150W HPS, the new heat was staggering. I doub't 250 will be much more. a 250 will flower in 2x2 very well. With a fan blowing directly towards the light, i keep it right on top, <2", to perfectly cover ~1.5X1.5X2.5. It is not air cooled. Your intake temps and CFM...
  15. amnooneoo

    A question about operating fans

    24/7 dude, ESPECIALLY during flower. You may be able to REDUCE the inside flow, but never stop extraction. Especially if your worried about smell.
  16. amnooneoo

    lowbay lights

    The only issue i see is the light voltage and what is available in your home. You will probably want to make a remote ballast too, thats 50% of the heat from lights like that, im using a flood fixture. It just barely fit, but i gutted a PC power supply and used that for the ballast container...
  17. amnooneoo

    whats a good grow cabinant, trying to stay low key

    Those small Rubbermaid "storage box's" from L was on my list, but i had to rig up something else. CLICK HERE Small chest of drawers can work too, if you fix it up right. I had a small TV cart, flipped it around and made doors. Works perfect. The rubbermaid box will need painted on it inside...
  18. amnooneoo

    vent closet grow

    put it in the corner closest to the door, patch it good when you leave. Nobody will say a word if you fix it right.
  19. amnooneoo

    tops of plants too tall and not producing colas

    what strain? they look nice to me, just need more time. is that light burn on the 2nd photo?
  20. amnooneoo

    Need help with 250w perpetual harvest fridge

    Well since u dont have any plants going, I would just focus on getting a new vent system setup. Trust me, you want to flower with that 250 in that space, it will rock!! I was forced to start flower with CFLs and it stretched like a mofo, but stabilized after i dropped my 150hps on it. The only...