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  1. MsBotwin

    A public apology to the guys from the wife beaters thread!

    Well, MsBBB the apology is the biggest joke of all! I was so stoned last night and couldn't stop laughing while I was 'apologizing'! I seem to forget what big babies men can be. They can dish up a heaping serving of insulting posts, but God Forbid they get any shoveled back at them! My Hubby...
  2. MsBotwin

    My Brother is TOO Funny!

    I have been really bad about that! I will take some new pics when my littlest one takes her nap! The main problem is that our family computer is in the living room so we can monitor the kids' online activities. The downside is that they can see exactly what I'm doing as well! And I can't just...
  3. MsBotwin

    RIU Ladies' Lounge?

    So, is this guy newworldicon, serious!? LMFAO!
  4. MsBotwin

    A public apology to the guys from the wife beaters thread!

    Ah, yes, but then, you're not one of those bitches who deserve a good slap. I started reading that thread, thought some of the responses were hilarious. Guess some of the guys thought I was implying that men were inferior, not sure how anyone got that out of anything I said.
  5. MsBotwin


    Gee, thanks for the tip! No one else included he line! Plus, I replied before I saw the other posts. Oops, my bad!
  6. MsBotwin

    Just recieved a new piece.

    Sweet bong! Bet it hits real nice! Take a big rip for me!
  7. MsBotwin

    Bump If You're Baked!

    Twice-Baked, here!
  8. MsBotwin

    A public apology to the guys from the wife beaters thread!

    Oh, made a comment about poisoning wife beaters with the nuerotoxins from puffer fish and some other saccadic (oops, that would be sarcastic) stuff. I guess I only amused myself! The kiddies are abed, I am astoned whadda ya want?
  9. MsBotwin

    My Brother is TOO Funny!

    I'll take them! Not really, no more room!
  10. MsBotwin

    Wick Hydroponics

    You just flush 3 X's the res capacity through the plant pots, refill with fresh water and nutes, BAM! You're set! Oh yeah, my system has a drain tube. It takes maybe 10 minutes to empty it!
  11. MsBotwin

    Wick Hydroponics

    I have 2 Emily's Garden systems and they're wick systems. I put my seeds in rockwool, then into my EMSYS as soon as they show their first set of true leaves. It's sooo easy! Just keep your res topped, check ph, ppm and feed them! Can't over or under water, as long as you keep your res topped!
  12. MsBotwin

    A public apology to the guys from the wife beaters thread!

    I would like to apologize, in front of the entire RIU community to anyone who may have been insulted or offended by comments I made in all sarcasticness. Being stoners, like myself, I was under the impression, based on your very own posts, that you guys had a sense of humor. I apologize if my...
  13. MsBotwin


    Jeez, I was just kidding! Man. You guys can post all sorts of derogatory pics of women and it's cool, but I make a sarcastic, supposed to be a joke comment and you guys freak! Haha, I'm stoned and LMAO! Oh no! Laughing My Ass Off is WAY too emotional! I better stop it right now!
  14. MsBotwin


    Obviously! You forgot MsBBB's flawless style! I admire a woman who can put a man in his place so eloquently!
  15. MsBotwin


    That's only because you are one! A man, that is.
  16. MsBotwin


    You Go, Girl! Ditto! I'd just cook up a tasty treat laced with some deadly nuerotoxin that would cause a long, slow, super painful death. Maybe some nice puffer fish toxins!
  17. MsBotwin


    Dude, it's anew invention called multi-tasking! All stoners should learn how!
  18. MsBotwin


    Hey, I've had some good times in the kitchen! Oh, wait, that was way back when, in the pre- kiddie days! LOL.
  19. MsBotwin


    From "mommy Dearest" she's beats her daughter screaming " No, Wire Hangers, Ever!" or somethingnto that effect.
  20. MsBotwin

    My Brother is TOO Funny!

    Thank-you, Uncle Sam! I really put my booty from our tax refund to good use!