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  1. P

    Drug Experts Say Alcohol Worse Than Crack Or Heroin

    good point. i haven't read the study myself and i'm not too interested in reading this particular study but maybe i'll check it out. good point good point
  2. P

    Could slavery make america great again?

    agreed. i don't believe slavery will benefit the US like i stated in my earlier post..but i agree with all your posts talking about how most of us are already enslaved and don't know it. we're unable to think critically and are unable to even understand what freedom is. +rep
  3. P

    REPOST: Iran (Smuggler welcome to reply)

    lol where are your facts? my original post is filled with facts linking back to sources on every subject you touched upon. i'm not muslim. and nowhere in my post am i angry or insulting you. good job with your reply. +rep
  4. P

    Cheech and Chong need to STFU

    lol i love cheech and chong and thought the interview was funny..but i understand where that rant is coming from... is that chong in your avatar? hahah jk
  5. P

    If you are stoned, replay with a sentence.

    im hungover..tired...late for work...but posting on riu
  6. P

    Marijuana Smoking

    did you not like being in cartoon land????
  7. P

    Marijuana:A Chronic History

    LOL nice avatar sure shot
  8. P

    Offical prop 19 after party thread- WE DID IT !!!!

    alright, so i'l be checkin shit out by lunch time where i am. i understand why a lot of people dont want prop 19 to pass. i didn't really care but now that im living overseas, i hope it does pass so it's just another step for our country :D
  9. P

    Marijuana:A Chronic History

    im sure most have seen this but i'l post it since it's related directed by ron mann, narrated by woody harrelson, title: grass
  10. P

    Offical prop 19 after party thread- WE DID IT !!!!

    shiiit what time do the results come out? i wanna know nowwww i woke up and saw this thread and got real excited for a second...then realized it's not over
  11. P

    A thread for hip hop heads

    cormegas my fuckin favorite
  12. P's official.

    i used to do that shit in middle/highschool..shits fuckin good. whats your name say? laoshi something sheng zi?
  13. P

    ever notice how really killer weed has dog hair in it

    +rep!!!!! i fucking love smoking labradour!!
  14. P

    drunk as shit

    bahahaha.i just re read my such an idiot. lol getting drunk then coming home and posting on forums hahahaha... yesss, bj's are better than pussy. my girl loves giving's the best ever. she wants to suck my dick all the time..i'll wake up with my dick in her mouth. hahaha...
  15. P

    Marijuana:A Chronic History

    damn..i wish they played that shit over here in korea...i'll have to look it up online afterwards
  16. P

    drunk as shit

    DENNIS IS THE DAD omg im gonna piss m tfuckin gonna fuck piss my pants bahahahaha sorry a little more normal now after smoking and i feel bad for spamming the forums :(
  17. P

    drunk as shit

    theres are fuckin ostrich in here!!! i mean sweet dee....nooo now its the devil mcpoyle sister!!!
  18. P

    The Many Different Ways to Make Gold in World of Warcraft

    I LVOE that leerory jenkins fuckin funnyyyy
  19. P

    drunk as shit

    So i deed fuck the peacock chick!!! Awesome!!! Mystery solved!!! Awesomme!
  20. P

    Site To Buy Painkillers Online