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  1. PussymOneyWeed

    I Hate Pigs!

    lolol. I'm glad i'm not the only one who made that connection hahahah.
  2. PussymOneyWeed

    Sr. Verde's: ROLLITUP GLASS INDEX [Post your collection here]

    I'm definintly with Gnome on this one. I really doubt people can hammer out amazingly clean and perfect rettis that easy. Deppe's retti dragon pipe blew me away.
  3. PussymOneyWeed

    I Blew Some Glass Yesterday

    yes it does. paypal :P
  4. PussymOneyWeed

    How can i find THC percentage
  5. PussymOneyWeed

    Relationship Issues.

    i say smoke hash. win/win
  6. PussymOneyWeed

    Oil Rigs, Is There A Difference?

    Oh yes absolutely, its so much healthier for you than smoking buds. Physically no plant matter to be combusting at all. And yes it's just a "flash vaporization" if you will. I know quite a few people who don't even touch buds anymore for the health reasons alone, They stick to there dabs.
  7. PussymOneyWeed

    Oil Rigs, Is There A Difference?

    Take one dab. you'll know exactly why.
  8. PussymOneyWeed

    I Want To Get A Kinect But I'm Scared Of It.

    I blame Reagan. ...Wait what?
  9. PussymOneyWeed

    Oil Rigs, Is There A Difference?

    Well actually if you get anything ideally you're gonna want to be using Ti, which is whats on the curve(or swing if you wanna call it that). If you go with the dome and nail setup you're gonna want to get a titanium nail for it. The biggest difference between the 3 types of nails (Ti, Glass...
  10. PussymOneyWeed

    Sr. Verde's: ROLLITUP GLASS INDEX [Post your collection here]

    Holy fuck Verde hahaha. I will for sure be checking back in for this one! I don't know what i would do with 14grams of errll @_@ Well besides naps ...lots of naps. Definintly let us know how amazing that tang. oil is =D
  11. PussymOneyWeed

    Sr. Verde's: ROLLITUP GLASS INDEX [Post your collection here]

    Ah i saw that beast on the 710 movement yesterday and didn't even catch that it was a DI curve! That's so sick. haha Nice pickup Gnome =D
  12. PussymOneyWeed

    Sr. Verde's: ROLLITUP GLASS INDEX [Post your collection here]

    Yeah i've been takin a break from the growing due to shit luck last run, along with the fact that I've got 3 lights but no room to utilize all of them. I'm stuck in a closet with a 400 watter at the moment, and i can only fit 4 plants during flower(5gal) in there. But last run with the 4 plants...
  13. PussymOneyWeed

    Sr. Verde's: ROLLITUP GLASS INDEX [Post your collection here]

    Ah so badass were hopefully getting this glass section. Ill finally have a reason to start really browsing and posting here again.
  14. PussymOneyWeed

    Verdict is in! (link to both live videos)

    Karmas a bitch. That is all.
  15. PussymOneyWeed

    EVERYONEDOESIT.COM Just Wants Your Credit Card Number,Good Luck After They Have It!!

    I just wanted to reemphasize this one in case you just glanced over it and it didn't register. And even then, the only reason i wanted the refund was simply due to the fact that you didn't feel the need to mention my stuff was being shipped by boat til about the end the fourth week of waiting...
  16. PussymOneyWeed

    I'm Watching The Twilight Movies....

    Wanna know how i know you're gay?
  17. PussymOneyWeed

    Hash Oil

    Any questions will have been answered here: Just break buds down to dime sized pieces and keep going till your extractor is full. You don't want to run butane thru the extractor with it only partially filled.
  18. PussymOneyWeed

    EVERYONEDOESIT.COM Just Wants Your Credit Card Number,Good Luck After They Have It!!

    You haven't gotten a response from me because what's done is done. Are you gonna give my back the days of my life i was without glass while i waited for your shipping via camel back? Maybe refund me for all the days i missed the first hour at work while i had to wait for the mail so i could sign...
  19. PussymOneyWeed

    Sr. Verde's: ROLLITUP GLASS INDEX [Post your collection here]

    Hahaha that was gonna be my initial guess, But then I figured he wouldn't leave it at an exact 500. And since we were playing with "The price is right rules" i just decided to undershoot it a bit. Guess it worked lol.