You've resparked my interest! I approached the decision of buying one a couple years back, but opted out. I figured they'd only get better and cheaper, and I was right! I need some good reads, and it seems so practical now.
WOW I did a google search, and look what I came up with?
Please understand that people here have lives. We are not anyones personal army. We are willing to help though! I doubt you'll find a more helpful forum anywhere. That doesn't mean that we...
All you need is a set of hands man! You can build anything yourself, for a fraction of the commercial price. Not to mention the satisfaction of a hands on learning experience like that.
Welcome man! Roll it up is a special community, largely because of the diversity you've already seen. Lots of great growers here though, and plenty to learn from!
Pop can is easy as hell if you want it now. I made a bubbler out of a ratchet piece, a Robitussin bottle, and a electrical tape once. It hit really well for a home made piece.
Switching up time schedules is probably the biggest one. There are two ways of procuring feminized seeds. One involves breeding with a hermie, and using multiple generations (the more the better) of inline breeding to remove the hermie trait. The other uses colloidal silver to produce male...
Gary is right about the gel also. USE IT. The blocks aren't good for shit. At least, not for me. The gel worked MUCH better. Also, why not build your own carbon filter? I did that for my first grow.