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  1. jaybee007

    First grow Help

    Hey man Looking good I can see a little bit of heat stress But ur doing well And as for the veg time It's purely down to how much room u have Remember ur plants should triple in size by the end Of ur flowering cycle Good luck
  2. jaybee007

    Is This A Hermie?

    I think looking at ur pics again It might already b making seed Have u crushed 1 of the balls 2 see what's in there ?
  3. jaybee007

    Is This A Hermie?

    2 b honest mate I would kill it I've had no balls on the plant an night And by the time I had gone back in The grow room the morning Not only had lots of pollen sack formed But the had started popping As soon as that pollen gets in the air Ur plants will start producing seed They won't make...
  4. jaybee007

    2nd thread about this...unwanted mushrooms please help!

    U know what mate I have no idea It's a new 1 on me U say uve pulled the shrooms And they've grown back ? Have u tried repotting the plants ? With a fresh mix ? Sorry I can't b more help But I'm sure someone on here has Been thru this and will b along 2 help soon lol Good luck
  5. jaybee007

    Bottom Fan Leaves Yellowing/Crisping Can Someone Look (Pics Included)

    Exactly u need 2 know the ph of the water After u've added ur nutes Also the the correct ph 4 the growing medi That u want 2 use this is key
  6. jaybee007

    Is This A Hermie?

    Yes my friend that is a hermie 4 sure :0( I've had alot of experience with these unfortunately Have u got any more plants in the space where ur hermmies r ? If so u need 2 kill and hope that it's not 2 late Otherwise ur gonna have a whole crop of seed Believe me I've done it lol
  7. jaybee007

    Bottom Fan Leaves Yellowing/Crisping Can Someone Look (Pics Included)

    Yeah I'd agree with nute burn They're looking a little over watered there See how the leaves are drooping How often are u feeding them ? Are they in soil,rock wool ,clay pebbles ? The more info u give the people will help u mate
  8. jaybee007

    Day 28 of flowering. feedback appreciated.

    Alright mate lookin good What strain is it ? I ask coz flowering depends on the breed I would say u have got another 4 weeks 2go I'm not 2 sure about the flushing as I'm a hydro grower Hope this helps If u click on the link in my signature and download The ready steady grow DVD pack theres...
  9. jaybee007

    What is this? mold?

    It looks like a burn from ur lights IMO mate How long in2 flowering r they ? and how close r ur lights ?
  10. jaybee007

    help ! ! should i crop ? ?

    thanks man do u think the rest will b ok ?
  11. jaybee007

    help ! ! should i crop ? ?

    hi guys basically im flowering 21 plants but there very close together they r around 40 days in well 14 of them r the rest r around 28 days in anyway my problem is 2day i noticed 2 have hermmied up i have removed all the male parts but now i have a dilemma . . . do i crop the hermmies and...
  12. jaybee007

    1st proper grow lol big bang +northen lights

    come on guys help me out what do crop early or risk it and let them go ?
  13. jaybee007

    1st proper grow lol big bang +northen lights

    i had noticed 1 of the plants had a lot of brown pistels and just didnt look right so i pulled it i think that may have turned these 2 aswell but now im worried about the rest the funny thing is its only @ the bottom of the plants under the main canopy
  14. jaybee007

    1st proper grow lol big bang +northen lights

    so 2day i found 2 hermmies ive removed all the male parts but my question is . . . . . should i crop them and the 1s closet 2 them ? or should i just leave them and keep my eye on them ??
  15. jaybee007

    Any ideas what is causing this, white spots,early yellowing?

    i was gonna ask u if uve been folar feeding ?
  16. jaybee007

    1st proper grow lol big bang +northen lights

    heres a few more pics ive taken a few of these with the light off not the best pics in the world (cam phone)
  17. jaybee007

    flourescent tubes

    i think u may need 2 switch 2a 150w cfl 2 flower i use flo tubes 2 veg but i dont think they put out enuff light 2 give u a yield thats worth the effort i even had 2 switch from 150w cfls 2 400w hps and 400w mh because the yeild was 2 small and im even thinkin aboout adding another 150w hps...
  18. jaybee007

    1st proper grow lol big bang +northen lights

    i think i might add a 150w hps as another 400w is gonna make the room 2 hot ? ive been lookin @hps flood lights any1 have any experience with this kind of lighting ???
  19. jaybee007

    1st proper grow lol big bang +northen lights

    ive started 2 flower both of those now there doin real well ive nearly filled the room now i reckon i could fit about 6 or 8 more in i might have 2 add another 400w hps ive added pics of the room now let me know what u think about adding more light