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  1. S

    Check out these NUGS!! Purple??? 40 days flower

    hey dude.. no worries, you will get the hang of things soon enough. Those are all common mistakes a lot of people make, i made them too.. just part of the learning curve. also, i was looking at one of the pictures and was wondering if you tried to top the plant? It looks like you may have done...
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    Big ass buds, who has the biggest(post your pics)

    subscribed.. i only grow indoor, so i'm not gonna embarass myself going head to head with outdoor growers in a biggest bud contest:bigjoint:
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    The Zombie Attack Preparation Thread

    been prepared and i know i'm a lunatic... just being true to myself... "We are betrayed by what is false within" :bigjoint:
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    Check out these NUGS!! Purple??? 40 days flower

    I can see a few problems just by lookin at the pictures. looks like it's overwatered (drooping leaves/light yellowing leaves) combined with overfertilization or salt build up (leaf tips are burned),with a possible ph problem... all of which is causing nutrient lockout (phosphrus deficiency-...
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    Molasses eh?

    i know there are people that use it in veg, but i don't know of any proven benefits from using it in veg. i've only heard of bad things like it attracting more bugs, a lot of people say as far as supplement usage.. seaweed/seakelp is best during veg and replace it with molasses during last...
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    Slightly Stoopid

    i think you mean Pepper lol.. they are pretty good too!
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    I have $5,000 to spend...

    does it matter if it stinks? the window unit a/c's are great for cooling but keep in mind they also exhaust air too. if you don't care how much you spend on power then use nothing but vertical 1000w hps bulbs and grow trees.
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    I don't get it. What am I doing wrong?

    definately lookin over watered... the soil on the top may be dry but that doesnt really matter as long as it's still moist an inch below where the roots are. the bottom leaves are getting really light because you are leaching all of the nutrients from the soil and they are running out of N (also...
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    RO Filter Raise PH?

    is your ph acidic to begin with..? that's the only way i could really see it happening.. my tapwater is over 300ppm and over 8.0 ph but the ro drops it to about 5ppm and 6.5 ph
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    akward question on diy co2 with yeast

    damn... it's not even worth the hassle of trying to seal up the room then. thanks for the input dude
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    Molasses eh?

    Bud Candy has molasses in it.. most likely the main ingredient. If you are going to use molasses you gotta make sure you mix it up with a couple liters of hot water so that it will actually thin out and mix in.. once you do that you can pour it into your nute solution mix and it won't clump or...
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    akward question on diy co2 with yeast

    ok.. i was wondering if anyone knew how much co2 the diy co2 buckets with sugar/yeast produce. It's not enough to go over 1500-2000ppm in a sealed room is it? the reason im asking is because i have a growroom going but i also produce my own moonshine. the co2 just bleeds through an air lock from...
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    the lower the better... tap water is fine as long as your ph is right

    the lower the better... tap water is fine as long as your ph is right
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    Jack's Classic vs Advanced vs Fox Farm Nutes

    jack's classic works great in soil and the "dynamic duo" as they call it is very inexpensive as well as widely available... i'd recommend complete dyna gro line up if you were in hydro.
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    Clones rooted, now what??

    a 24 watt light uses only about 17.28 kilowatt hours per month(30 day month). if you pay 10 cents a kilowatt hour, it only costs you $1.73 to run all month long 24 hours a day. for veg, you don't want anything lower than 18 hours of day light and 6 hours dark for optimal growth. cutting back to...
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    How to begin to learn? - Making your own nutrients

    it can be cheaper and more efficient if you know what you are doing and it never hurts to understand the science behind everything. understanding can also help you make more educated decisions when it comes to buying nutrients even if you choose not to make your own.
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    How to begin to learn? - Making your own nutrients check it out... lots of info and direction towards sources of information
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    Help me pick out a new bong

    yeah, it's still half off
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    Molasses eh? .. here's another thread where it's currently being discussed.. there are a few replies on it. As for my usage, i mix about a 1/2 teaspoon per gallon the last half of flower and bump it up to a teaspoon during...
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    Help me pick out a new bong

    damn.. i was gonna throw in my vote for the weedstar elevator 2 (two triple percs,ice tray, $102.00) and seperate purchase of the weedstar pre cooler/ash catcher with 3 arm diffuser ($39.00) haha