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  1. Rosslyn

    Safety of DXM/Robotripping?

    Wouldn't it be better to get the zicam cough melts? 30 mgs per tablet and probably tastes much better than the liquid. Only active ingredient is dxm too.
  2. Rosslyn

    Aaaah...... Water filtered smoke...

    My boyfriend made a bong out of a Life Water bottle, pen tube and a trombone mouth piece. My mom also made a simple gravity bong out of a tea bottle and a glass pitcher. Glass bongs taste a whole lot better and hit way smoother, so I'd rather wait to get one. A local shop is having a raffle for...
  3. Rosslyn

    triple cs

    I've taken them and will probably continue to take them every so often. I don't have a record, I really believe in taking the least amount to get you there. I used to take ten, but I need to bump it up to twelve.
  4. Rosslyn

    Stoner Jobs?

    I'd be set if that type of job existed, but they appear to be elusive. Send your resume out. Try online sites like Snag a Job and Monster.
  5. Rosslyn

    i got into a fight with my gf over bud..........

    That sucks, a lot. Like a lot of people said, she's probably worried about money and such and sees your pot smoking as an unnecessary expense. I had a similar problem with my boyfriend about cigarettes, and finally I just accepted the fact that I can't change someone, especially if they don't...
  6. Rosslyn

    First Time Stories!

    It's a weird story, but I was really against pot and was just getting used to having potheads as friends. One night my boyfriend and I had a huge fight before going to a friends house. At the end of the arguement, he said he thought I should get high for the first time to blow off steam, so we...
  7. Rosslyn

    fcked up stories- heres mine

    I knew someone that did something similar, not once, but twice. They weren't the smartest couple considering they did round two. It was Bengay, though.
  8. Rosslyn

    how many mg's of DXM should i take to trip HARD?

    I don't know if this will help intensify anything, but hot tubbing helps get you there quicker and is definately awesome while tripping.
  9. Rosslyn

    Why are we Lying to our Children?

    Haha, I did that when I was a kid, however I was just selling "pretty" weeds on the side of the road. Anyhow, I'm glad my mom didn't lie to me. Well, she did, but by accident. She, even as a stoner, believes the propoganda. She told me it was a gateway drug, etc. But she also told me she'd...
  10. Rosslyn

    The Munchies.

    I actually lost weight since I started smoking. Then again, I also literally had to walk a mile and a half to get it, lol. I usually can ignore the munchies, though.
  11. Rosslyn

    DRY in CALI???? responses plz

    Am I stupid, or did you basically just say that pot equals witchcraft. That's ridiculous on a logical and religious level.
  12. Rosslyn

    DRY in CALI???? responses plz

    If you mean humidity wise, then Californias humidity is quite low from what I hear.
  13. Rosslyn

    Called the cops on my own op

    That sucks that those kids stole from you. It's always shitty when people feel the need to steal, especially something you worked hard on. That's awesome of the cops, though. Makes me want to move to California even more.
  14. Rosslyn

    I quit my job yesterday...

    I'm only 19 too, but even my friends and I know better. A good friend of mine would rather live on his own with next to nothing, even though his parents are president and vice president of a company backed by homeland security with cushy salaries and bonuses that double their salary. It's a...
  15. Rosslyn

    Male or female? (you not plant)

    I'm female.
  16. Rosslyn

    What did you first smoke out of?

    Smoked a blunt the first time, grape flavored.
  17. Rosslyn

    Smoking Habits

    sorry, I decided to check here while I was tripping out of my mind... None of the posts made sense. Anyhow, yes, resin is the the stuff on the bowl after you smoke with it. Yeah it tastes like shit, but it also has concentrated thc. I guess if it's something you don't HAVE to do it's not...
  18. Rosslyn

    Smoking Habits

    I don't know what anyone is talking about... I'm so fucked up right now.
  19. Rosslyn

    Weird High everytime I smoke...?

    I generally listen to Kottonmouth Kings with a bit of Insane Clown Posse mixed it. I guess it primarily depends on your taste and the tastes of the people you're with.
  20. Rosslyn

    Smoking Habits

    Smoking with a cover is basically just taking a piece of cardboard (usually we tear the lid off of a cigarette box and fold it up) and after you light your hit (and start taking it), you put the cover on. The point is to stifle out the pot so that it doesn't just burn away. It's a way of making...