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  1. itzCESAR*

    sprout with seed still on

    It probably will. I'm not sure myself b/c I never pull that hard. If it is a little tough to pull off I wouldn't mess w/ it to much.
  2. itzCESAR*

    Buying Fem seeds...... is it even worth it. Opinions

    lol I'm just kiddin' bro :) Peace :peace:
  3. itzCESAR*

    sprout with seed still on

    Ya they do go retarded for a bit. I've always removed the seed, and still got a few retards. I don't know how retarded they become if you don't help.
  4. itzCESAR*

    Buying Fem seeds...... is it even worth it. Opinions

    I'm a "nigga"? Did everyone here that? I'm a nigga, Yaaaaay!!! I've always wanted to be a nigga!!! Wooooooooo!!!
  5. itzCESAR*

    you would think someone would catch this by now

    lol spell check plz lol jk
  6. itzCESAR*

    sprout with seed still on

    Wait at least 2 more days. I pluck off the seed when the first pair of leaves are trying to push the seed off. You can tell when they need help. They'll be struggling to remove it.
  7. itzCESAR*

    you would think someone would catch this by now

    lol couldn't even mock them w/o your own mistake lol :clap::clap::clap:
  8. itzCESAR*

    Quick question..quick answer...about leaves

    If it's dying or even dead it's not doing it's job (gathering sunlight). It would just be getting in the way of lower leaves doing there jobs. So I'd pluck 'em if they are 50% damaged. I'd also fix what ever is wrong w/ the plant as a whole.
  9. itzCESAR*

    sprout with seed still on

    Ya I usually do it ever so gently w/ my fingers. That needle idea or some substitute sounds good. Even I'll be doing that from now on. Thanks +rep
  10. itzCESAR*

    you would think someone would catch this by now

    LOL that's fucking hilarious.
  11. itzCESAR*

    Buying Fem seeds...... is it even worth it. Opinions

    Wow thanks. This was what I was looking for :)
  12. itzCESAR*

    help my seeds

    btw Those were all NL (Northern Light) seeds :) EDIT: Sorry no those were a mix of free seeds sent to me from AMS*
  13. itzCESAR*

    help my seeds

    These are what my seeds usually look like light brown w/ stripes. Srry for the shadow in the pics. I didn't have proper lighting :(
  14. itzCESAR*

    males in the next room bad?

    O ya dude. I'm pretty sure you pulled them as soon as you saw the balls, correct? If that was the case there was nooooo way you'd have a problem to begin w/ :) Hope you feel better :) Peace
  15. itzCESAR*

    sprout with seed still on

    It's a "helmet head" lol. Well in my case if they can't remove that little seed shell on there own in a few days I help them out. They kind of deform if it stays on too long. It will be just fine anyways :)
  16. itzCESAR*

    males in the next room bad?

    O lol I thought you were gonna grow them out. You won't have any problems w/ them now. Why don't you throw em out?
  17. itzCESAR*

    males in the next room bad?

    Also if there is a high volume of traffic while the pollen is released. I could see it traveling on ppl, and in the air if there is enough air circulation.
  18. itzCESAR*

    males in the next room bad?

    Not unless your house is made of window screens :) You'll be fine
  19. itzCESAR*

    Buying Fem seeds...... is it even worth it. Opinions

    Well ya that was the plan lol Fucking google. I was just wondering if you had anything specific... guess not :(
  20. itzCESAR*

    How often to nute my soil???

    No prob. I can't help handing it out where it belongs :)