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  1. max316420

    Help Diagnose Small Spots

    After doing a little digging I would agree with your diagnosis
  2. max316420

    Read this before posting pics...important!!!

    it's just impossible to see the colors of the leaves when the hps lights are on.. and most of the time that is how you can tell what issues the plants are having.. at least now you know ;)
  3. max316420

    leaves long and thin with pics.

    maybe longer cause that looks like it has some sort of haze in it
  4. max316420

    leaves long and thin with pics.

    Possibly a bit of heat stress, i'm gonna guess they're around 2 weeks into flowering?
  5. max316420

    leaves long and thin with pics.

    thats better lol I would say they look pretty good but gonna give a second look
  6. max316420

    Close to harvest..wilty cola leaves..whats wrong?

    that dude is always talking shit trying to start fights.. and if he was referring to me then gotta tell ya homeboy i'm working on buying my 6th house..PAID FOR IN FULL
  7. max316420

    Help Diagnose Small Spots

    I would try that to see if it works, that should do the trick.. are you measuring your ppm's or just going by the directions?
  8. max316420

    Help Diagnose Small Spots

    are you using both parts?
  9. max316420

    Close to harvest..wilty cola leaves..whats wrong?

    and who might you be referring to?
  10. max316420

    leaves long and thin with pics.

  11. max316420

    Help Diagnose Small Spots

    For the most part they look really good
  12. max316420

    Help Diagnose Small Spots

    And when using promix you wanna add dolomite lime to it because eventually your ph will drop when the peat starts to break down and make the soil acidic.
  13. max316420

    Help Diagnose Small Spots

    what kind of food are you using?
  14. max316420

    Leaves curling downwards?

    When i transplant into new pots it usually takes about a week for them to actually start growing, your doing everything right now all you can do is wait. Roots have to establish somewhat for them to start growing. I would say your on the right path.. keep up the good work
  15. max316420

    Leaves curling downwards?

    another thing lol I see that you have them in 5 gallon buckets, make sure when you water them you don't water to much just enough to feed the plants cause if you water until its coming outta the pots then your soil is gonna stay too wet too long and your ladies roots will starve for oxygen
  16. max316420

    Leaves curling downwards?

    and another thing your gonna have to feed them before flowering, I have used ffof many times and IMO the food in it only last around 2 weeks
  17. max316420

    Leaves curling downwards?

    and back your light off a bit, too intense
  18. max316420

    Leaves curling downwards?

    They are shocked from transplanting, give em about a week and they should perk up
  19. max316420

    PICS INCLUDED! whats causing this? and what should i do?

    That is a lack of nitrogen my friend.
  20. max316420

    a problem with AK 47

    but you also wanna keep your N a little higher during the first stages of flowering, but your problem is a lack of magnesium... MJ gobbles tons of it during flowering and I have yet to see a line of foods that have enough to keep the plants happy