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  1. max316420

    a problem with AK 47

    Not enough magnesium, supplement with calmag
  2. max316420

    Yellowing of Fan leaves on sides PLEASE HELP!!

    a bit of advice, next grow start supplementing with calmag right when you flip your lights to 12/12 and you'll never run into this problem again.
  3. max316420

    First grow please help! **pics**

    I could be wrong about the iron, just get your ph to the right range and they should recover and resume growth
  4. max316420

    what do you think of this light with my grow room?

    Depends how cold your room gets.. You can use a fan to suck the hot air outta it and it should work fine, just keep an eye on the temps and modify if needed. Is your tents sealed?
  5. max316420

    First indoor grow - Blue Dream in flower

    Looks like you have a magnesium def
  6. max316420

    Transplanting damage

    Your bugs most likely will go into the new soil too, I would get some neem oil and use it as a soil drench to kill them
  7. max316420

    Need good advice from experienced indoor growers

    are your guys fingers hurting from typing so much? lol that's what I like to see is people taking the time to really explain how to help and not just putting general answers.. props guys
  8. max316420

    what do you think of this light with my grow room?

    seems like a good deal if its legit.. just remember that 600 watt bulbs are a special type of bulb and In my experience you can only get them online or at a growshop.. food for thought.. I don't even know if they make a 600 watt mh bulb, but you can use hps for veg and bloom. You really wont see...
  9. max316420

    Baby plants yellowing on leaves

    Those lights should work just fine.. for now lol but the more you grow and learn, I'll bet your gonna wanna invest in a hps light somewhere in the near future lol
  10. max316420

    Baby plants yellowing on leaves

    Yes it will work just fine, just start out kinda lite on the foods to make sure you don't overdue it and burn ur ladies
  11. max316420

    Flowering ????

    Is there any possibility that you can get a ppm meter? they are life savers when measuring out food and can save alot of agony
  12. max316420

    Baby plants yellowing on leaves

    the only thing I don't like about soil with food added is by the time you notice that your plants need more food then your def has already got a foothold on your ladies and then you have to take the time correcting the def. Thats why organic is good cause it's hard to burn, slower releasing and...
  13. max316420

    Baby plants yellowing on leaves

    Compost is great if it's real compost... I use promix which has nothing added to it and you know exactly what your feeding your plants and how much. I would also recommend getting some dolomite lime to add to the soil and that will keep your ph in check for your whole cycle. A 30-40 lb bag is...
  14. max316420

    Baby plants yellowing on leaves

    there is organic and chemical.. depends on what you want, but for your veg cycle you want something that is a little higher in nitrogen like 6-4-4 something along those line and for blooming you want your number something like 6-6-8.. People tend to overdue the p with numbers like 0-50-0 and...
  15. max316420

    First grow please help! **pics**

    Yes those will work just make sure not to overwater.. Premix your lime in your soil before hand. I would recommend getting powdered and pellets, the powder will work immediately and the pellets will keep it stable for the rest of your cycle
  16. max316420

    Baby plants yellowing on leaves

    and get rid of the tinfoil, doesn't help and sometime can create "hotspots" but that's not your problem. I would say that that's not anything that your lights are creating. You soil is the culprit in this one
  17. max316420

    Baby plants yellowing on leaves

    Wow your worlds away lol well welcome to the wonderful world of gardening. Usually with yellow leaf tips it means that they are slightly overfed. To be honest I would get some high quality soil and food. I know this sound crazy but if you can go to your nursery and see what foods and soils they...