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  1. T

    The party of hate and violence.

    It would probably be ok for you to have sex with a small breed dog.
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    The party of hate and violence.

    A typo is a minor glitch or error, using the wrong word, spelling incorrect like that. You got the names out of order, spelled them correctly, but exactly backwards. That isn't a typo, that is ignorance, while calling someone else ignorant. All I wanted to point out, a US Citizen is not wrong...
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    The party of hate and violence.

    I'm not dogging you for a typo... You make a post calling Americans dumb for calling themselves as Americans and calling their country America for short. I will conceede to you that It isnt totally improper to call him Americus, although that wasn't his name. History doesn't record that as his...
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    The party of hate and violence.

    The US is the only one that has America in its name. What other name would they call themselves? Neither one of us knew Mr. Vespucci. At least I'm not pretending to have intimate knowledge of the man. You presented no facts of your own. Other than saying the land masses get their name form a...
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    Democrat Wheel of Blame

    I think you could take all that out and replace it with fear. Democrats survive on fear... Dont let the republicans win... They will take away your stamps... Birth control... And the best one was recently when someone said they wanted to put chains on black folks again.
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    The party of hate and violence.

    This is the politics form. What is it for if not discussing where we disagree? I could agree with you if you'd like, but then we would both be wrong.
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    The party of hate and violence.

    The predominant language in Italy hasn't been Latin since about 600AD. Once Justinian reconquered much of Italy, destroying it in the process, driving out the visagoths and others, who then flooded back in, the language changed. Latin remained the language of learning and the church, and the...
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    The party of hate and violence.

    I know they're related, but since Amerigo Vespucci wasn't Latin, but Italian, his name was not Americus, it was Amerigo, so you're just being overly pretentious and incorrect at the same time.
  9. T

    Roots, the old miniseries redone.

    There should be a sense of some gratitude. Unless they would have rather grown up on a Sally Struthers tv commercial set. Life in America has always been better than life in Africa. Doesn't mean slavery was ok.
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    Roots, the old miniseries redone.

    Totally agree. When It comes to the way my ancestors treated the slaves, collectively the white men decided to give up the practice and decided to elevate the former slaves to equal status. I'm pretty sure white western Europeans are the only ones in history to have done so. And we're...
  11. T

    The party of hate and violence.

    Lol, and you're wrong twice once more. His name was Amerigo Vaspucci, you got them reversed. And it was Amerigo not Americus. Americus is the name of a town in Georgia. Lol.
  12. T

    The party of hate and violence.

    If you're going to go to great lengths to correct someone and be really dramatic and condescending about it, you ought to take care to be correct. What you circle on that map is not any more accurately "America" than the short hand refrence to the USA is. Specifically, there is no just...
  13. T

    The party of hate and violence.

    If trump is outside talking, they have a right to shout over his voice. It's stupid and rude and wrong in many ways, but not legally. If trump is in a private facility, and legally permitted by the owner to be there for the purpose of speaking, it's a violation of the property rights of the...
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    The Official "RIU History" Thread

    We have to. We won't be able to fight off the aliens if we dont progress
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    Roots, the old miniseries redone.

    Well I'm sure that's true in many locations. But all one has to do is look at history. The Arabs were major slavers, they still are today. They started the slave trade in Africa. What you describe is essentially what roots depicts. It was just centred in a fairly civilized area of Africa. Many...
  16. T

    Roots, the old miniseries redone.

    It has been a decade or more since I saw the first one. It was a good story. In case you didn't know, History and AMC have redone the series and it has been shown this week. I must admit, very well done. I like that they have some things more accurate. My memory of the first one seems like...
  17. T

    Is there anything ethically wrong about eating human meat grown inside a laboratory?

    What about if we started harvesting the protein and fats from aborted fetuses, used that to somehow make a long shelf life M.R.E. type of food to package and donate to the hungry in Africa or elsewhere? There has to be lots of nutrition in a fetus of 4 months.
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    Jesus Myth & Why It Endures

    I have not read his books, but i have done the next best thing, listened to hours upon hours of him at work. It wasn't Poe's law, I was trying to be sneaky subtle.
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    Should lawmakers legally be allowed to use religious justifications in government?

    I mostly agree with you. And I even agree with you on the specific point I'm going to challenge you on here. I agree that when a law is up for debate, that is not the appropriate time for a law maker to say "this is God's will, let us do it." But suppose one does... And suppose he is very...
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    Should lawmakers legally be allowed to use religious justifications in government?

    This is the politics forum... Threads don't have topics. I'm not opposed to gay marriage. I can't get really excited for it. I think if the people of a state wish to define it one way or another that is their right. Gay marriage and bathroom laws are wedge issues that seem to get emotional...