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  1. T

    Jesus Myth & Why It Endures

    I was hoping you would recognize I was just trying to troll you a little. The Philo of Alexandria line was supposed to be my giveaway since its actually one of Carrier's pieces of evidence that there is no evidence for historicity. Philo would have written about Jesus if he knew about Jesus...
  2. T

    Should lawmakers legally be allowed to use religious justifications in government?

    Ok... Challenge accepted. A religious governor and legislative body enact a law limiting the speed on the highway to 55 for a stretch where there are some massive crosses and billboards around that depict religious imagery. The crosses and billboards aren't funded by government. They're...
  3. T

    Should lawmakers legally be allowed to use religious justifications in government?

    You're missing the forest for the trees. The point is far more narrow than you're trying to argue above. The question is, do we permit elected officials to envoke religious beliefs through the discharge of their duties. I say yes, you say no. To your fracking comparison, it isn't valid...
  4. T

    Should lawmakers legally be allowed to use religious justifications in government?

    It doesn't matter what other arguments are valid. The sole one that motivated the lawmaker is religious. Have to throw it out, for your point to be complete and consistent. You only bend here because it is something you agree with. You can't do anything at the point of speech. Speech harms no...
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    Should lawmakers legally be allowed to use religious justifications in government?

    What if a religious president were in office, a Republican. A democratic Congress passed universal health care. The president, as he signed it into law stated "my party has long opposed such measures, but I am compelled by my Christianity, to make sure we provide health care to the least of...
  6. T

    Jesus Myth & Why It Endures

    None of that can stand up to the eternal WORD, written down in the King James Bible. The Bible explains all that. And it predicts people like you and that really smart teenager in your videos will come and say foolish things in the end times. Repent. Time is near.
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    United States Empire

    No rights come from government. Rights are inalienable. They are part of bring human. Government served only as a means to protect rights, and to adjudicate between competing or conflicting rights. Some governments, throughout time have violated rights. Pantywasteprogressives make me sick...
  8. T

    Should lawmakers legally be allowed to use religious justifications in government?

    What choice do I have but to allow it? Of course next election I'm going to throw all the effort I can into getting them defeated. You see, I'm not a reactionary liberal or conservative. I try to hold to standards and principles. Eww, I don't like it is not reason enough to make something...
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    United States Empire

    Bi lateral is the way to go.
  10. T

    Should lawmakers legally be allowed to use religious justifications in government?

    I would distinguish between a judge and a legislator. In this instance, pretending it isn't so obvious on its face for a moment, I would allow the legislator to get up, make his/her speech.... "people may not name their children after religious figures." Suppose it's a more ambiguous...
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    Should lawmakers legally be allowed to use religious justifications in government? Mother won her appeal. I misspelled messiah.
  12. T

    Should lawmakers legally be allowed to use religious justifications in government?

    A judge locally recently forced a woman to change the name of her child. She named her daughter "Mesiah." The female judge said that "there is only one mesiah and you can't name your child that." She was dealt with harshly. But she was allowed to make the decision first.
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    General Election Predictions (interactive map)

    That. And she is white.
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    General Election Predictions (interactive map)

    Trump doesn't have to win more, less can come out for Hillary than came out for Obama.
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    General Election Predictions (interactive map)

    Virginia is at best purple. We've got to see what happens when a black candidate isnt at the head of the ticket to motivate that turnout. It was considered solidly red as recent as 04. Two cycles don't make it blue, not with the candidate we had. People who never voted before came out in droves...
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    General Election Predictions (interactive map)

    So you've got VA as the deciding swing state. Would be interesting to see a R lose after having won Ohio and Florida.
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    United States Empire

    When I close my eyes and think of unclebuck, that's what I see.
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    The Atheist Snake Oil of Fallacies

    Great allusion. And the thing of it is the Sun has a lot more checks in its column for being a god than does Jesus or Allah or Yahwe.
  19. T

    The Atheist Snake Oil of Fallacies

    Besides... Most theists misrepresent atheism. Athiesm isnt the belief that their is no god. An atheist (in the west) is simply someone who looks at a Christain, hears his argument for why Jesus is Lord, and says, yeah I don't buy it. Besides, Islam has all that going for it too, and you...