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  1. T

    What kind of people go to Trump rallies?

    You abuse animals. I prefer those who only abuse elipses to folks like who who kick and chain up helpless animals.
  2. T

    Donald Trump Named in Lawsuit for Raping Teenage Girl

    ... Continued. Could Iraq have been believably "inspected" while the Baath Party remained in power? No. The word inspector is misleading here. The small number of U.N. personnel were not supposed to comb the countryside. They were supposed to monitor the handover of the items on Iraq's list...
  3. T

    Donald Trump Named in Lawsuit for Raping Teenage Girl

    On this, you're not arguing with me. You're arguing with perhaps the best and brightest person of our time. Though he may be dead, his wisdom is saved for posterity.
  4. T

    Donald Trump Named in Lawsuit for Raping Teenage Girl

    I can't look up what isn't there. I have never mentioned Clinton being tried for a blowjob without leaving out the legal cause of action being lying about said blowjob. Those are not my words. Liar.
  5. T

    Donald Trump Named in Lawsuit for Raping Teenage Girl

    There is a difference between lying and saying something that is inaccurate. I suppose youre referring to the case made by W. to invade Iraq. We never found much in the way of wmd did we? But every intelligence agency in the world swore that Iraq had a stockpile and a r&d program for...
  6. T

    Donald Trump Named in Lawsuit for Raping Teenage Girl

    Those aren't my words. You're false quoting me. Instead of assassinating my character yours just committed suicide my misattributing a quote to me.
  7. T

    Donald Trump Named in Lawsuit for Raping Teenage Girl

    It wasn't lying. It was lying under oath.
  8. T

    Donald Trump Named in Lawsuit for Raping Teenage Girl

    Go back to my first post on this issue. I never just said "he was tried for a bj" There isnt much difference between being tried for a bj and being tried for lying about getting that bj.
  9. T

    Donald Trump Named in Lawsuit for Raping Teenage Girl

    You don't just get to be correct because you say you are. What caused the housing market to crash? You think perception has little to do with it? Home values kept going and going up. That drive that market. Perception was that values would always rise. Eventually the perceived value got so...
  10. T

    What kind of people go to Trump rallies?

    Who... Who said anything about illegal? I never did. You're trying to pigeon hole it into a legal thing. Its not. Freedom of speech isn't just my legal ability to say something. Its my ability to go head someone say something. If I go to hear someone, and on my way there the path is...
  11. T

    What kind of people go to Trump rallies?

    Native Americans are totally unamerican. They practiced Slavery in their reservations well past the civil war. They spent most of their existance making war against America. And I can see no tragedy at all in how their civilization here was wiped away to make room for ours. The world is...
  12. T

    What kind of people go to Trump rallies?

    Talking about the idiots outside.
  13. T

    Why are Republicans so scared of Hillary Clinton?

    She has a right to run for president. You can tell by the fact that no one serious opposed her bid, that's pretty strong evidence that She was of the opinion it was her turn. No one has a right to be appointed president. She had the DNC appoint her. They kept everyone else out. O'malley and...
  14. T

    Donald Trump Named in Lawsuit for Raping Teenage Girl

    It's splitting hairs. Sure, the legal cause was the lie. Everyone knows that. Or everyone should. You can't claim I didn't know that. It was in my first response to you here. But to say the action he lied about isn't a cause at all, well then what reason was there for the lie?
  15. T

    Donald Trump Named in Lawsuit for Raping Teenage Girl

    The president actually does very little to make the economy good or bad. The economy is a function of mainly perspective and uncontrollable events. The president gets too much credit and too much blame. Trump can make America great again If he can inspire people.
  16. T

    Donald Trump Named in Lawsuit for Raping Teenage Girl

    I wasn't the one who got caught at anything. I never say he was impeached for the bj. But come on now, we both know that has the bj never occured, the impeachment wouldn't have either. It was the proximal cause.
  17. T

    What kind of people go to Trump rallies?

    Every where he goes he is met by mobs of unamerican thugs who only seek to shut down free speech and break shit. Who are these people? What do they stand for besides throwing tantrums like a toddler? Trump and Hillary are both about evenly disliked by their opposition, according to a lot of...
  18. T

    Why are Republicans so scared of Hillary Clinton?

    Because she thinks she deserves to be President. Like it is her right to be it. It's not an honor she is asking to be granted, not to her. It is her right.
  19. T

    Donald Trump Named in Lawsuit for Raping Teenage Girl

    Yes he was. Because he lied about it. So technically he was on trial for lying under oath about it. That's like saying the civil war wasn't over slavery... It was over the states rights to keep slavery legal.