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  1. S

    Look for chart.

    Thanks that could help. Let me attach and show what I am talking about. I seen it in one of the videos. It is supposed to be on the back of the bottle but mine for some reason dont have the chart lol. Damnit I cant upload it well here I got it on rapid share...
  2. S

    Look for chart.

    Hey guys I am looking for the general hydro feeding chart. I kept looking on google I found something but I dont think its the right one. It talks about flushing the system and a few other stuff its sorta like a chart but not for feeding I think.
  3. S

    germination questions

    I had just asked this in another thread and was told was it cracked they put it in right after. Something about if it got to long you could damage it when transferring it.
  4. S

    Florida Growers Thread

    Ooooo Thats who's rt76 durrr mah bad.
  5. S

    which method do u use to crack ur seeds?

    Thanks thats what I had thought too , I just gotta remember not to put light on it until it comes out of the medium lol.
  6. S

    which method do u use to crack ur seeds?

    I know sometimes you are not supposed to believe everything someone tells you say like on youtube. I saw some method that he would put them in a strainer (one of those small metal ones). With a wet wash rag covering it after all is set he would put it under a faucet and let it drip warm water...
  7. S

    doubts over buying seeds online

    try using google and search the forums tags. To search this forum just do this ... what to search on google and you will find what you need.
  8. S

    Florida Growers Thread

    Do you know his name? I guess I can search rt76. Ill do it and I consider my self conservative I used to be red repub but I despise both parties. I am going libertarian. I will do it though we should keep up on this and if we all vote on it at least it might make a dent. The idea of having a...
  9. S

    Florida Growers Thread

    Oh yeah supposedly he ate the stuff like made brownies. bongsmilie Those reporters were laughing so hard.
  10. S

    Florida Growers Thread

    I really hate florida's law. We just gotta vote 3rd party or some shit. Its these dinosaurs that put it into law.
  11. S

    Spread The Seed

    I had thought about this also I am sure tons do evident from the thread. Its almost a form of protest if you think about it. Only thing you would have to be worried about is those dang satellites watching you like a camera but who cares. Would be funny though is every smoke did that even just...
  12. S

    The DEA is 30 seconds away from your home.

    He that was what I was going to say, REVOLT! This country needs a revolution for some time now. I would grab my guns and bunker down. I dont care if I die, rather die standing on my feet then on my knees.
  13. S

    Florida Growers Thread

    huh? Lol that was totally something different. You know its an odd question since we are being goofy would it be wrong to look for clones or green on here? :lol: not saying we should or should not.
  14. S

    Florida Growers Thread

    hehe cold for us is like 60 degrees :lol: ! It funny when talking to northerners and how they think our 60 is "warm".
  15. S

    NEWBIES NEED HELP? smokinHerbOnDaCurb has all ansers!!!!!

    heres a question what do you do after say a seed cracks and you put it in rockwool cubes. With a dome and heating pad? Do you put it under a light or no light and wait for it to sprout?
  16. S

    Florida Growers Thread

    Yeah and the news says it wont get better just longer day now, you all rdy for the time change? I hate that lol. As for that my problem is I didnt keep much communications with lots of people so I rarely talk to many people lol. Even with the people I do know they got it from the same person...
  17. S

    Florida Growers Thread

    Still kinda a newb to this forum and total newb to growing. I been gathering all the supplies needed to set up for almost 2 months now. During that time been reading and watching videos almost non stop! Im in the 904 area (jax) dry as a bone I keep hoping to one to another when getting it. At...
  18. S

    Lol My Senator Bill Nelson

    Haha that is good, I gotta show that to some friends thanks for showing me that. All I can say is I am defiantly not voting that guy in. As years go by I am starting to hate government with a passion to almost the extremes.
  19. S

    Lol My Senator Bill Nelson

    This is the e-mail he sent me, let me explain the premise of all this first. This is what I did basically I used one of those automated things from like Norml or whatever. I filled in and put some of my own comments. Weeks later I got this from him. Thank you for contacting me regarding...
  20. S

    Legit? Great deals?!!?!

    Lol what the hell is that about! They repeated a lot almost used a propaganda technique then they botched the hell out of it. YEAH to good to be true it seems lol! So its all refurbished shit, I done that before with a computer and even a TV and in the end I got screwed.