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  1. itzCESAR*

    male or female (skunk #1)

    Ya, srry to see such a sight. I'm not too sure on the middle pic, but as far as the close ups. Those are both males, and nice pics BTW. GL next go-around
  2. itzCESAR*

    would these light bulbs work?

    Who uses 400w on floros? If this is the case, yes you're not using proper wattage. HIDs are always good tho : ]
  3. itzCESAR*

    would these light bulbs work?

    What HPS are you talking about dude? Sounds interesting for so cheap. And, since when do CFLs take up more energy?
  4. itzCESAR*

    Is this a good buy

    This is a link to a great variety of websites. Luckily the very product you were inquiring about has got positive review. This is not my thread and I don't take any cred. for it. All cred. goes to my man "mane2008".
  5. itzCESAR*

    Is this a good buy

    I have never personally purchased any products from this site myself. I do believe I have heard good things about it. I have a friend with a good thread on sites, I will double check this for you.
  6. itzCESAR*

    how to transplant

    I'm not the soil guy. I just want to say you may experience shock, and it may or may not survive that stage : [ srry I can't help anymore.
  7. itzCESAR*

    is my plant to tall???

    Ya, you deffinately have a lanky seedling. It is the lighting situation for sure. How is the lighting coming along? What type of system are you using? Also, What is the light sched.?
  8. itzCESAR*

    First grow (pics)

    Hi everyone! Just on my usual update. Since two days ago, and since my lil bug problem, I have seem to gain a sense of control over the problem. Now it seems I have yet another problem. My leaves are green, which I love to look at, yet the stems are a slight pinkish purple, and the leaves are a...
  9. itzCESAR*

    My Introduction

    Can't go wrong w/HPS, try and go for the 250w, you only need a tad more space than w/ the 150w.
  10. itzCESAR*

    help me identify strain

    This is very true. I just want to keep everyone on this lovely site in a good state of mind. This site is FUCK*NG AWESOME. I don't want even a single newb leaving because of some hostility. So it's all good, I just hope the dude doesn't take offense, you know :hug:
  11. itzCESAR*

    OMG BIG BUG PROB.. (pics)

    Haha omg that is great advice haha
  12. itzCESAR*

    help me identify strain

    O haha on retrospect I didn't answer this question. haha I forgot which one I answered I guess. Still didn't have to be so mean : ]
  13. itzCESAR*

    help me identify strain

    Dude, this is basically what I said. You didn't have to be so hostile towards a nublet. We were all there. Just keep it positive man... O and smoke a :joint:
  14. itzCESAR*

    first grow.(pics)

    well 2 candles would not be any good either, try like 3 than you might beat the 75 watt piece of sh*t, haha jk just get some floros, or even better a HID
  15. itzCESAR*

    first grow.(pics)

    What light did you have in mind? Ya, if your using incandescents you won't get to far. When I said you plant is weak, it's because they need light. Notice how stretched they are. They should never need support, for there first few weeks of life, try and make the stems stronger with a constant...
  16. itzCESAR*

    help me identify strain

    11 days from seed? I'm a noob so I cant really help either. Sounds like your on the right track tho.
  17. itzCESAR*

    first grow.(pics)

    Also, nobody can really help you on, the "what kind is it?" question. Only the grower should know that. We might be able to help you very far down the line with that.
  18. itzCESAR*

    first grow.(pics)

    Dude, wanna just ask: What kinda lights are you using? They look pretty weak, no offense.
  19. itzCESAR*

    First grow (pics)

    Plzzzz help!!!! Should i remove the bottom leaves, where there is over 50% damage?
  20. itzCESAR*

    OMG BIG BUG PROB.. (pics)

    K srry it was kinda difficult to get any decent pics. There are only a couple of devestating areas, and a couple of minor areas. Should I remove the destroyed leaflets?